Keeping Track of Your TE Commissions

Hello and Happy Sunday!

About a year and a half ago I did a video walk through of a new site at the time called TE Command Post.

You can check out the video here:

TE Command Post continues to be one of the most useful services for traffic exchanges surfers that I have ever used.  When you are a member of dozens of traffic exchanges like I am it becomes extremely helpful to keep track of all of your credits on all of your traffic exchanges with just one click.

This past week TE Command Post added a new feature which makes it an even more invaluable tool… the ability to track all of the commissions traffic exchanges owe you.

Check this out:http://www.mytecommandpost.comAccording to TE Command Post I had over $400 in commissions owed to me that I had not yet received.  Now some of these sites do pay monthly and I just have not been paid yet this month.  List Surfing is a good example of this.  But many other sites require you to login and manually request your commissions be paid.  If you don’t know you are owed commissions you never get paid.

Just another reason why I believe TE Command Post is an essential tool for all Internet marketers who are promoting with traffic exchanges.

If you are not already a member then sign-up, select your traffic exchanges, and find out immediately who owes you money.

Click Here to Join TE Command Post

The Best Safelists for September 2011

Welcome to September!

Another month down and a whole new month of stats to share for the best safelists and viral list builders out there today.

The big news from last month was the re-release of List Surfing.  This site definitely got a lot of attention and with good reason.  List Surfing does an amazing job of blending the best elements of a traffic exchange with a safelist to create a unique advertising environment.  Best of all List Surfing has brought social marketing into the safelist arena which is something this industry has been very much lacking.

If you missed it I did a video review of List Surfing that you can watch here:

Not too much else to report.  I did test a few older safelists that I had joined years ago but quit because they weren’t producing good results.  The results from last month weren’t good enough to put them in the top 15 so I won’t bother mentioning them.  Needless to say if you have any good safelists or viral list builders that you recommend which you don’t think I am member of please send them my way.

On to the stats…

Here’s how it works.  I promote a series of squeeze pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics on 30-40 different safelists and viral list builders.  I use a tracking service to tell me how many hits I receive from each site as well as how many new subscribers I received.  I do have upgraded memberships on most of these sites which often allow me to send my ads to more members and more often.  I also spend time every day clicking emails for credits which allow me to send my ads to the maximum number of people as often as possible.  Your results may vary.

Hits Unique Conv. Ratio
AdsolutionLine 2799 40.00% 20 0.71%
The Lead Magnet 1186 62.00% 20 1.69%
State of the Art Mailer 4121 77.00% 19 0.46%
List Bonus 1207 81.00% 16 1.33%
Quick List Profits 553 62.00% 13 2.35%
Ultimate Profit List
1228 73.00% 12 0.98%
Adchiever 1673 69.00% 11 0.66%
List Joe 2063 77.00% 10 0.48%
DownlineBuilderDirect 1252 56.00% 8 0.64%
Viral URL 25 92.00% 8 32.00%
List Effects 319 63.00% 7 2.19%
Instant List Empire 537 66.00% 7 1.30%
List Surfing
896 83.00% 7 0.78%
List Adventure 1021 60.00% 5 0.49%
AdTactics 1099 24.00% 4 0.36%

Total August sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 166

Not a bad month.  Pretty cool to see an old school safelist like AdsolutionLine topping the list.   Makes me wish I earned commissions there but it’s a totally free safelist.  So if you’re not a member, that’s definitely one you will want to join.

Everything else looks about right.  A nice mix of safelists and viral list builders.  It’s not too hard to see from looking at this list which are the best sites to be advertising on this month.

I should mention that List Surfing is a little bit lower on the list than I would have expected.  That’s because the mailer credits are earned by surfing in the traffic exchange side of the site.  Unfortunately I haven’t had enough time to earn enough credits to reach the maximum number of members for every mailing.  That makes it a little harder to compare to the other sites.  I will say that the branding and the social aspect of List Surfing puts it a little bit ahead of the competition but that is something which is kinda hard to measure with these kinds of stats.

That’s it for this month.  Don’t forget that these are my own personal stats based on my own efforts.  Your results may differ from mine.  These stats are provided to give you a starting point for new safelists and viral list builders to try.  The only way to determine which sites work best for you is to track your own stats.  You can get the same link tracker that I use for free from TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics

My Video Review of Instant Blog Subscribers

Are you ready for another video?

I stayed up late last night recording this video review of Instant Blog Subscribers which is the new free blogging site that was recently launched by Walt Bayliss.

Unfortunately it was about 4:00 am by the time I finished recording the video and I forgot to mention a few things.

One of the things I forgot to mention is the ability for people to subscribe to your blog with one-click.

That button will appear at the top of your blog.  When someone clicks the button they will automatically be subscribed to your blog and they will be notified via email every time you post a new update.  That’s very cool.

Here’s the link to my IBS blog if you want to check it out:

I also wanted to talk a little more about what you can do with your blog.  Basically you can use your blog to share almost anything you want.  For example right now I am sharing my website reviews but you can also post articles you’ve written, share something you learned, rave about something you love, or rant about something you hate.  As you saw in the video some people are even using their blogs as a place to post their ads.  There are really very few limitations for what you can do with your blog.

Finally, I don’t know if the video came off as a review as much as just a walk through of the main features on the site.  In case I forgot to say it, I really really like Instant Blog Subscribers!  It’s sort of the first of what I expect to be many sites that are taking elements of safelist marketing and making them more social.  I think IBS can do more to expand on some of these features such as making comments easier to manage and providing more stats but at this point the site is still really brand new.  I expect to see more developments in the near future.

By the way, in the video you may have noticed that I reposted my review of the site List Zillion which also appears on this blog.  That was less than 9 hours ago.  Since then I have received 5 new sign-ups at List Zillion all of which came from my post at Instant Blog Subscribers.  That’s crazy!

So head over to Instant Blog Subscribers and create your free blog right now.  You don’t need to be a professional blogger to take advantage of this one.  Every post you make will instantly be shared with 200 other members.  There is no better time to start blogging than today.

Click Here to Join Instant Blog Subscribers

List Zillion – Safelist Review

I know, finally!

I’ve been promising this review of List Zillion for about a month now and I finally have some time to get it written.

I considered doing another video review but to be honest there isn’t a whole lot to see inside the List Zillion site.  List Zillion appears to be run on the same viral list building script that i’ve seen running on a few other sites that have recently launched.  The members area consists of a message displaying the site’s stats (currently 5415 members) and that’s about it.  Other than some banners and full-page ads I guess you could say List Zillion has a “clean” design.

Don’t worry.  What List Zillion lacks in personality it more than makes up for by being an extremely responsive mailer.  Isn’t that what counts?  But I’ll get back to that in a minute.

As simple as the List Zillion design is I still found myself getting lost several times when I first joined.  It seems the link to the “upgrade” page isn’t where you would expect it to be and once there I had an even harder time noticing the link to compare memberships levels.

List Zillion does offer some unique features for those who take the time to explore the site.  There’s the standard link cloaker and downline builder but there’s also something new called the “list builders optimizer”.  This appears to be a way to organize your mailings with other viral list builders.  I haven’t really taken the time to set this up yet but it seems like it could be useful.

Upgraded members can submit “top sponsor” ads which appear at the top of every email.  They also have access to a unique “referral mailer” which acts like an autoresponder by sending a welcome email to your new referrals as well as sending a recurring email to them every 6 days.

Here’s a peek at the List Zillion membership levels.

Membership Free Gold Platinum
Mail To (memberships) Free, Gold Free, Gold, Platinum Free, Gold, Platinum
Mail Frequency Every 7 Days Every 5 Days Every 3 Days
Mail To (members) 300 (up to 1000 w/credits) 2000 (up to 3000 w/credits) 3000 (up to 5000 w/credits)
Message Personalization Yes Yes Yes
Click Tracker Yes Yes Yes
Can Save Ads Up to 2 Up to 10 Up to 20
Credits for reading Messages 10 15 20
Credits for reading Solo Ads 20 40 50
Credits for your downline reading messages 5% 10% 20%
Signup Credits 1,000 4,000 6,000
Credits per Referral 150 250 300
Monthly Credits 0 4,000 6,000
Top Sponsor Ads 0 3 5
HTML Mailer No Yes Yes
Visual HTML Editor No Yes Yes
Commissions 15% 30% 50%
Monthly Cost $16.99 $26.99

So is List Zillion worth the platinum upgrade?

Here’s my personal advertising stats from last month with List Zillion:

Total Clicks: 1,226
Unique Clicks: 741
Splash Page Clicks: 47
Sign-ups: 15
Clicks-to-Action: 6.34%
Clicks-to-Sign-up: 2.02%
Cost per Sign-up: $1.80
Daily Emails Received: <10

Not bad.  This is comparable to most of the major viral list builders out there right now.

List Zillion is still a relatively new site.  With just over 5,000 members there is still a lot of room for growth.  Anyone looking for a solid viral list builder who cares about results should definitely give List Zillion a closer look.

Click Here to Join List Zillion

Video Review of My TE Command Post

It’s Friday night and it’s time to try something new!

I’ve been thinking lately that it might be fun to start doing some video reviews/walkthroughs of some of my favorite sites.  I figure it’s a good way to let people see what some of the sites I use are all about without forcing them to join first.

The first site I have chosen to do my video review for is TE Command Post.  It’s not a new site but it’s one I think any traffic exchange user would want to join once they see how it works.

Here’s the video I made:

And there you have it.

So what do you think?

I’m still getting the hang of this video stuff but I am willing to do more if people like them.  If you want to see more videos please leave a comment below and let me know!

Click Here to Join TE Command Post