The Best Safelists for November 2011

Hello and welcome to November!

It’s a new month and that means it’s time to dig out my safelist and viral list builder advertising stats from last months and share with you what sites are currently bringing me the best results.

But first… the news!

The biggest launch from last month was the new release of a unique viral list builder from my good friend John Bell.  It’s called Viral List Builder Plus.  I don’t have any stats to share yet but so far I am really enjoying this site.  One of the unique features displays the open rate of all emails sent through the site.  Members are receiving between 17% and 20% open rate for all emails sent through the system.  Not bad.  I will definitely keep working this one and share my stats with you next month.

Now for the stats.

If you’ve never been here before this is how it works.  Every month I promote a series of lead capture pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics on 30-40 different safelists and viral list builders.  I try to view as many emails from other members as I can to earn enough credits to send my emails as often as possible.  I use a free link tracker to find out how my hits my pages received from each site as well as how many new subscribers I received.  I do have upgraded memberships at most of these sites which usually allows me to send my ads more often.  My ads are also very targeted to other safelist and viral list builder members which help to increase my results.  Your results my vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
List Bonus 1355 82.00% 19 1.40%
The Lead Magnet 1174 61.00% 17 1.49%
State of the Art Mailer 4130 77.00% 14 0.39%
List Adventure 912 60.00% 12 1.32%
Adchiever 1704 69.00% 11 0.65%
Viral URL 34 81.00% 10 29.41%
AdsolutionLine 2734 42.00% 9 0.33%
Elite Safelist 2612 38.00% 9 0.34%
Ultimate Profit List 1048 73.00% 9 0.86%
Instant List Empire 340 66.00% 8 2.35%
List Joe 1576 75.00% 8 0.51%
Quick List Profits 505 64.00% 8 1.58%
List Effects 355 61.00% 7 1.97%
Adtactics 1788 40.00% 6 0.34%
Global Safelist 1411 38.00% 5 0.35%

Not a bad month.  The top 3 sites continue to dominate as they have for the past few months.  I love seeing List Adventure in the Top 5.  So many VLBs have come and gone over the last year that it’s great to see this site still competing so well.  If you are not yet a member of any of these I highly recommend joining now.

That’s it for this month.  I will be keeping a close eye on Viral List Builder Plus over the next few weeks and hopefully have some good stats to share with you next month.

Keep in mind that these stats are the result of my own marketing efforts and may not match your own.  These are only provided as a guide to show you what is currently working best for me.  What works best for you might be something entirely different but you will never know unless you are tracking your ads.  You can get the same free link tracker that I use when you join TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics


The Best Safelists for September 2011

Welcome to September!

Another month down and a whole new month of stats to share for the best safelists and viral list builders out there today.

The big news from last month was the re-release of List Surfing.  This site definitely got a lot of attention and with good reason.  List Surfing does an amazing job of blending the best elements of a traffic exchange with a safelist to create a unique advertising environment.  Best of all List Surfing has brought social marketing into the safelist arena which is something this industry has been very much lacking.

If you missed it I did a video review of List Surfing that you can watch here:

Not too much else to report.  I did test a few older safelists that I had joined years ago but quit because they weren’t producing good results.  The results from last month weren’t good enough to put them in the top 15 so I won’t bother mentioning them.  Needless to say if you have any good safelists or viral list builders that you recommend which you don’t think I am member of please send them my way.

On to the stats…

Here’s how it works.  I promote a series of squeeze pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics on 30-40 different safelists and viral list builders.  I use a tracking service to tell me how many hits I receive from each site as well as how many new subscribers I received.  I do have upgraded memberships on most of these sites which often allow me to send my ads to more members and more often.  I also spend time every day clicking emails for credits which allow me to send my ads to the maximum number of people as often as possible.  Your results may vary.

Hits Unique Conv. Ratio
AdsolutionLine 2799 40.00% 20 0.71%
The Lead Magnet 1186 62.00% 20 1.69%
State of the Art Mailer 4121 77.00% 19 0.46%
List Bonus 1207 81.00% 16 1.33%
Quick List Profits 553 62.00% 13 2.35%
Ultimate Profit List
1228 73.00% 12 0.98%
Adchiever 1673 69.00% 11 0.66%
List Joe 2063 77.00% 10 0.48%
DownlineBuilderDirect 1252 56.00% 8 0.64%
Viral URL 25 92.00% 8 32.00%
List Effects 319 63.00% 7 2.19%
Instant List Empire 537 66.00% 7 1.30%
List Surfing
896 83.00% 7 0.78%
List Adventure 1021 60.00% 5 0.49%
AdTactics 1099 24.00% 4 0.36%

Total August sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 166

Not a bad month.  Pretty cool to see an old school safelist like AdsolutionLine topping the list.   Makes me wish I earned commissions there but it’s a totally free safelist.  So if you’re not a member, that’s definitely one you will want to join.

Everything else looks about right.  A nice mix of safelists and viral list builders.  It’s not too hard to see from looking at this list which are the best sites to be advertising on this month.

I should mention that List Surfing is a little bit lower on the list than I would have expected.  That’s because the mailer credits are earned by surfing in the traffic exchange side of the site.  Unfortunately I haven’t had enough time to earn enough credits to reach the maximum number of members for every mailing.  That makes it a little harder to compare to the other sites.  I will say that the branding and the social aspect of List Surfing puts it a little bit ahead of the competition but that is something which is kinda hard to measure with these kinds of stats.

That’s it for this month.  Don’t forget that these are my own personal stats based on my own efforts.  Your results may differ from mine.  These stats are provided to give you a starting point for new safelists and viral list builders to try.  The only way to determine which sites work best for you is to track your own stats.  You can get the same link tracker that I use for free from TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics

Click Track Profit Launches Quietly

Happy Monday!

As the giant ice storm is slowly moving into the midwest I wanted to take this  opportunity to let you know about a very interesting new launch I found out  about today from some of the biggest names in the TE industry.

Usually these programs get launched with a bunch of JV partners and a flood of emails in your inbox saying “Go! Go! Go!” but this launch was quite different.

There were no JV partners and no big hoopla. Hardly anybody knows about this program yet which means you are going to have the same opportunity to promote this system and make money from it just like anybody else.

So what is Click Track Profits?

Click Track Profit is a new training site that was designed to lead you from “clicking” to “profit” by simply following a series of easy to follow steps that are laid out for you inside the members area.

It’s super simple!

The CTP system is setup using a trickle down training program that will release new lessons to you over the course of your membership. That way you’re not overwhelmed with too much information at once and you can focus on doing the steps one at a time.

Here’s my link to join:

At the very least… go watch the video.

It’s hilarious!


The Best Safelists for November 2010

Happy Monday and Happy November!

It’s the first of the month and that means it’s time for another update on the best safelist and viral list builders that I am currently using.

So last month someone asked me what I dislike most about safelists.  I didn’t have to think about it too long before telling them how much I hate the 24-hour submission rule.  You see, most safelists and viral list builders limit your mailing to once ever 24 hours, or 48 hours, or 72 hours.  Basically it means submitting at the same time every day and not a minute earlier.  Unfortunately no matter how punctual you are you almost always end up a few minutes late which pushes your start time later and later every day.  Eventually you find yourself up at 3:00 am waiting to submit your sites so you can go to bed.

Due to the 24-hour submission time I probably lost at least 4 or 5 days of mailings last month.  I’m sorry, but I am not always thinking about safelists at 3:00 am and if I forget it’s going to be at least another 8 hours before I am awake.  It seems like having an 18-hour submission cycle would make life so much easier, but that’s just me.

That’s enough ranting.. what else is new?

Quick List Profits launched at the beginning of last month.  New mailers always seem to generate a lot of excitement when they launch and this one was no exception.  They already have 3539 verified members and placed really well in my ranking below.  Let’s hope the momentum continues.

I’ve been bad.  One of the first sites to launch using the script that Quick List Profits is on was called Instant Profit List.  At the time I didn’t know how to categorize the site and so it’s stats weren’t being saved along with my other safelists.  It turns out Instant Profit List has been one of my most responsive mailers over the last few months but I have neglected to include it in my reports.  That ends today!  Check the stats below to see how well Instant Profit List is performing.

List Building Maximizer made an interesting move last month.  To celebrate their 10,000th member they decided to offer $10 solo ads for 10 days (they are usually $25).  This resulted in a flood of solo ads being sent to my inbox every day.  If that wasn’t bad enough as soon as the promotion ended they started offering $12 solo ads for 12 days.  This should have made the regular mailer virtually worthless but surprisingly my stats weren’t down too much.  It did just miss making it onto the stats list below but only because of the two new additions.

Speaking of stats…

What you see below are my link tracking stats for several splash pages that I am promoting on a rotator in various safelists and viral list builders.  Yes, I have upgraded memberships in almost all of these sites so take that in consideration if your numbers aren’t as high as mine.

Total Clicks Unique Clicks Action Sales CTA CTS
List Joe 2,223 1,532 80 18 5.22% 1.17%
StateoftheArtMailer 4,060 2,048 70 17 3.42% 0.83%
AdTactics 2,901 773 72 14 9.31% 1.81%
Quick List Profits 1,508 1,009 62 13 6.14% 1.29%
List Zillion 1,313 708 43 12 6.07% 1.69%
Power Profit List 1,104 590 37 12 6.27% 2.03%
DownlineBuilderDirect 1,049 582 52 11 8.93% 1.89%
Elite Safelist 2,031 886 51 10 5.76% 1.13%
Instant Profit List 1,135 625 42 10 6.72% 1.60%
ViralAdStore 1,355 706 40 10 5.67% 1.42%

“Clicks” is how many people viewed my splash page.  “Action” is how many people clicked the link on my splash page to go to the main site.  “Sales” is how many people joined my site.  CTA and CTS are “clicks to action” and “clicks to sale”.  I ranked these safelists by sales but it is also important to look at the other numbers to determine how responsive each safelist really is.

Considering how many days I missed last month those numbers aren’t looking too bad.

Big congrats to List Joe for making it back to the top again just barely beating out State of the Art Mailer.  These two sites are both equally awesome and I am glad to be a member of both.

I would also like to welcome Quick List Profits and Instant Profit List as the newest additions to the top list.  As I mentioned earlier Instant Profit List should have been added months ago but better late than never.

I guess that’s it for this month.

As usual these stats are the result of my own efforts using my own splash pages.  Depending on what you are promoting and how often to are promoting it your results may vary.  Of course the only way to know is by tracking your own ads.  You can get free link tracker that will track all of your ads from TE Toolbox.

 The Best Safelists for October 2010

The Best Safelists for October 2010

Hello and welcome to October!

I’m sure glad last month is over.  I’ve been doing a lot offline work at a new concert venue here in town and haven’t had much time to work on my online stuff.  When I am online I’ve been spending much of my time branding myself and building my list at Sweeva.  The results have been fantastic but the social aspect can be very time consuming.

Even with all that going on I still manage to find time to do my safelist and viral list builder submissions every day.  Before we get to the monthly safelist stats here’s what’s going on in the industry…

Two new list builders launched last month.  Both of them are running on the same script that List Effects started using a few months ago.  The script doesn’t offer a lot of bells and whistles but for a mailer it gets the job done.

The first site launched at the beginning of last month called Power Profit List.  The site is owned my Michael Coursey who is a well respected traffic exchange owner.  As you will see in my stats below Power Profit List is performing well above expectations.  Hopefully that will continue into this month.

The other new mailer just launched yesterday and is called Quick List Profits.  They are waiting until they hit 2000 members before they open the mailing part of the site but considering over 1000 people joined yesterday I am guessing we won’t have to wait long.  I just know that when the mailer opens at Quick List Profits I am going to enjoy getting my ads in front of those 2000 new members.

And finally, my good friend Winter Perkins dropped a bombshell on me earlier this week when she told me she is going to be taking over Reactive Adz from David Foley.  Reactive Adz is an amazing looking safelist but in my opinion it has never fully lived up to it’s potential.  I think Winter has what it takes to whip Reactive Adz back into shape.  I don’t think the take over is official yet but look for some big changes at Reactive Adz over the next few months.

Ok, ready for the stats?

Like any other successful Internet marketer I use tracking links to gather valuable statistics about my ads to let me know which advertising sites are bringing me the best results.  Every month I share my safelist and viral list builder stats here on my blog.  These stats are a results of promoting several splash pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics.  I do pay for upgraded memberships at most of these safelists so if the numbers seem higher than what you are getting as a free member that’s probably why.

Total Clicks Unique Clicks Action Sales CTA CTS
State of the Art Mailer 4,209 2,114 79 22 3.74% 1.04%
List Joe 2,118 1,467 51 19 3.48% 1.30%
List Zillion 1,386 779 59 13 7.57% 1.67%
DownlineBuilderDirect 2,463 1,036 55 14 5.31% 1.35%
AdTactics 2,891 869 56 13 6.44% 1.50%
Power Profit List 882 584 46 12 7.88% 2.05%
ListBuildingMaximizer 2,091 804 67 9 8.33% 1.12%
List Auction 1,370 727 39 6 5.36% 0.83%
ViralAdStore 1,292 726 33 6 4.55% 0.83%
Adsolutionline 2,406 895 29 5 3.24% 0.56%

“Clicks” is how many people viewed my splash page.  “Action” is how many people clicked the link on my splash page to go to the main site.  “Sales” is how many people joined my site.  CTA and CTS are “clicks to action” and “clicks to sale”.  I ranked these safelists by sales but it is also important to look at the other numbers to determine how responsive each safelist really is.

Have I mentioned how much I love State of the Art Mailer?  (swoon)

It’s nice to see List Joe back on top again where it belongs.  Welcome back List Joe!

The newest entry on the list is Power Profit List which launched at the beginning of last month.  Not a huge amount of traffic but it’s very “active” traffic which is what really counts.  Let’s hope that momentum carries into next month as well.

The big shocker this month is DownlineBuilderDirect.  This site has been around for awhile as a non-credit based viral list builder but recently made the switch to credits.  I picked up a lifetime upgrade and was starting to think I wasted my money after the dismal results I was receiving over the last few months.  Looks like things are finally picking up!

If you are not already a member of ListBuildingMaximizer you can join there and you are sure to receive some solo ads offering discounts on the upgrade at DownlineBuilderDirect.  Even if you’re not interested the upgrade you should be a member of ListBuildingMaximizer anyways because it’s just an excellent mailer.

That’s it for this update.  Keep in mind that all the stats you see above are a result of my own advertising efforts with my own ads.  Your results may vary but you’ll never know it unless you are tracking your ads!  You can get a free link tracker that will show you which ad sites work best for you from TE Toolbox.

 The Best Safelists for February 2010