Autoresponder Profit System is LIVE!

Hello and Happy Monday!

Big, big, BIG news today…

I have a new ebook and website!

Yep, after nearly a year of working on it today I am finally releasing my new ebook called “Autoresponder Profit System“.

You can check out the website here:

Like all of my other ebooks this one is free and there is an affiliate program to go along with it so that you can make some extra cash by giving it away.  Of course there is also the option to rebrand the book with your own affiliate links which will allow you to make even more money when people sign-up for the programs recommended in the book.

What’s it about?

Autoresponder Profit System is my “list building” ebook but with my own little slant on the subject.  I actually created it for people who may already have an autoresponder but might not know how to use it to build a list.  More importantly, it will show people how to “profit” from their autoresponder either by using it to promote various affiliate programs or by bringing more members into their primary business that they are already promoting.

Autoresponder Profit System also makes a great giveaway for people who already have downline members in an autoresponder.  So giving them this book greatly improves the chances that they will actually start making some money with their autoresponder thus keeping them in your downline every month.

I just checked my site stats.  The site launched an hour ago and already there are close to 200 members!  Whee!

I suspect I am going to be a little busy for the rest of the day but I would love to read your comments about the book.  Please click on the link below to download your free copy of Autoresponder Profit System and let me know what you think!

Click Here to Join Autoresponder Profit System

JV Giveaway Tactics – My New Site!


I’m about a month late but yesterday I finally released my new ebook/website called JV Giveaway Tactics.  You can check it out here:

The book shows people how they can build their list bigger, faster, and easier using JV giveaway events.

I started using giveaway events about a year ago to build my list and was shocked at how well they worked.  Before this I had heard about giveaway events but never understood how they worked.  It turns out that giveaway events are actually pretty simple but here are a lot of little things that need to be done ahead of time to really get the most benefits from them.

Since most of the really big  jv giveaway events are scheduled around major holidays I figured this would be the perfect time of the year to release a book like this.  There is even a calendar inside the website that alerts members to all the great new giveaway events that are coming up.

The JV Giveaway Tactics site launch went eerily smooth.  Its been about 15 hours since it launched and so far there are 298 members.  Not bad for a free ebook.  I gotta give a big shout-out to Jerry Reeder for helping me out with my sales page copy until 4:00 am the night before.  Thanks Jerry!

I woke up at 9:00 am to make some last minute changes and opened the doors to the site at 10:00 am.  A few hours later I did what any new business owner would do at his first day on the job… I took a nap.  Lol.  Yep, I slept good too knowing that my system was all in place and everything was running smoothly.  In fact, I still have not received one support email (well, there was one but it was spam so at least I know the support room works).

Word of mouth has been good and my members are making money so I would say this launch has been a success.  This gives me a little more confidence as I go into my next project which is going to be bigger and badder than anything I have done so far.  Stay tuned!