Build Your List, Build Your Business

Welcome to part 2 of my exclusive money making series.

Today I want to start talking about my favorite subject… List building!

There  is is actually a lot more to this subject than I can cram into one blog posting but i’ll try and go over the basics to start with as much as I can.

If you are reading this chances are you have already tried promoting some kind of online business or affiliate program.  I am guessing you probably figured out  how to get some traffic but for some reason you aren’t getting many sales… if any.

Not as easy as you expected, is it?

Well, you are not alone.  Even people who are promoting free affiliate sites can have a hard time getting sign-ups.  That’s because most people don’t know them or trust them enough to join.

Trust is very important!

Here’s one of my favorite quotes:

“All things being equal people would rather buy from someone they know and trust.  All things NOT being equal… people would STILL rather buy from someone they know and trust”.

So how do you build trust?  Well, it does take some time…  and it usually takes a lot longer than the time it takes for someone to read your site.

In fact, here’s what usually happens.  Someone visits your website, they read your offer and think “sounds interesting, but i’m not ready to commit to this right now”. So what happens?  They leave and probably never come back.  The time and energy you spent getting them to your site was wasted.

That’s where the autoresponder comes in.

Your autoresponder is the single most important weapon in any Internet
marketer’s arsenal because it let’s you follow-up with your prospect days
and even months after they leave your website site.

The way it works is that you offer something of value to the people coming to your website in exchange for their email address.  Your offer can be a free ebook, a newsletter, software, or almost any other “digital” product.

When your visitor fills out the form on your site their info is sent to your autoresponder which then begins sending out a series of pre-written emails to them.  These emails can be used to tell your subscribers more about yourself and your business while providing them with more free information that they can use which compliments the free product you first sent them.

Hopefully over time your readers will get to know you and even look forward to the emails they receive from you.  Once they begin to trust you it makes it much easier for you to recommend paid products and services that you can earn commissions from later on.

Another great thing about autoresponders is that once you have your emails series setup you can practically set it and forget it.  If you wanted to you could set it to send an email a week for the next 5 years and it would do it for you.

Compare that to sending someone directly to your website where you only have one chance to get a sale.

Unfortunately good autoresponders are not free.  That’s one of the few things that you are just going to have to bite the bullet on if you want to succeed in this business.  Expect to pay about $20/month for a good autoresponder.

I recommend using either Aweber or TrafficWaveAweber is considered to be one of the best and includes a lot of advanced features.  TrafficWave is a more affordable alternative that will definitely get the job done.

Both autoresponders offer 30-day trial memberships so there is no reason not to try them both and decide which one you like the most.

Ok, I think that’s enough one day.

I’ll be posting my JV giveaway events listing tomorrow and Ryan Hogan is about to launch a new product so look for my next post in this series early next week.

Subscribe to this blog at the top of the page and be notified any time this blog is updated.

Phantom Link Cloaker

Happy Thursday!

I know it has become almost a cliche, but it’s true: People love to buy stuff… but they HATE being sold to!

It’s just human nature…

Anything that you include in your sales process that seems cold and faceless
will turn people off so fast it’ll make your head spin…

That’s why I’m so glad I found this little money-making gem from my friends Cindy, John, and Soren:

It’s called Phantom Link Cloaker, and it lets you quickly and easily generate your own friendly but professional-looking affiliate links…

Tests show that people are a lot less likely to click on links that look like a mess…

I’m talking about the typical affiliate link most people use… a long string of random letters, numbers, and other gibberish…

On the other hand, if you have a link that’s short and that actually says something in plain English, people warm to it and click in much greater numbers…

Some people double or even triple their sales and profits by using a professionally cloaked link… so I can’t recommend Phantom Link Cloaker strongly enough.

You could be throwing a LOT of potential profits away and not even know it.

Time to get that money back in your pocket where it belongs:

Cindy, John and Soren have also thrown in a bunch of videos and tutorials,
revealing some of their secret tips and strategies to push your conversions
even higher still…

Plus, Phantom Link Cloaker comes with a 100% unconditional, money back
guarantee if it’s not everything you thought it would be…

If you’re serious about making a good living online and building your long-term business, then this is a total no-brainer.

Just go to the link now: