Viral List Builder Plus Launches Today

Happy Monday!

It’s been awhile since there have been any new launches that have been worth mentioning but today I finally have a good one for you.  It’s a new viral list builder from my good friend John Bell.  It’s called “Viral List Builder Plus“.

I’ve know John Bell for a little over a year now from working with him in the traffic exchange industry.  John is what I like to call a “triple threat”.  He’s great at design, programming, and marketing.  Not too many  people can do all three.

John has taken his experience from what he has learned in the traffic exchange industry to create a unique viral list builder that I think is really going to knock your socks off.

What can you expect from this launch?

Hundreds of new marketers and opportunity seekers will be joining John’s site over the next few days.  This is the perfect time for you to get in there and start getting your ads seen today.

Launch is scheduled for 8:00am EST TODAY!

What are you waiting for?

Click the banner below to grab your free membership now!

Click Here to Join!


ClickTrackProfit vs TEProfits

Happy Monday!

I received a comment yesterday on one of my earlier posts about ClickTrackProfit asking if promoting CTP would conflict with their efforts to promote TEProfits.  The same topic came up earlier last week in a TELive and I thought it was worth discussing here.

Just so you know ClickTrackProfit and TEProfits are both essentially downline builders that target the traffic exchange industry.  Both programs have excellent online training and both can be used to build your TrafficWave downlines.

I think the biggest difference between the two programs is that TEProfits puts more emphasis on using TrafficWave to build your list than ClickTrackProfit does.  There are multiple squeeze pages within the TEProfits members area that you can promote as well as a 25 part email series that can automatically be loaded into your TrafficWave account.  If you are new to list building and want an easy system to help you get started then I highly recommend checking out TEProfits.

ClickTrackProfit on the other hand was designed to be super simple.  Although there is video training on how to use TrafficWave inside the members area the system itself revolves around creating your own custom splash page that you can promote in traffic exchanges to bring new members into the program.

Here’s my CTP splash page that I literally made in about 30 seconds:

By advertising that link on the recommended traffic exchanges my hits are automatically tracked and when I have received enough traffic I can unlock additional features on the ClickTrackProfit website.  It’s actually pretty neat.

ClickTrackProfit uses Adkreator to create your splash page.  If you wanted to you could turn your splash page into a squeeze page by adding your own autoresponder code to Adkreator.  That would allow you to build your list and promote the CTP system at the same time.  Unfortunately at this time there are no official CTP autoresponder emails to accompany your page so you would be responsible for creating those yourself.

I should probably also mention that if you are not into list building you can promote TEProfits with their splash pages and benefit from just using it as a downline builder.  In that sense TEProfits and ClickTrackProfit are both very similar.

So to answer my reader’s question…  if you are already using TEProfits to build your list then you are probably better off just continuing to do what you are doing.  Yes, you can use ClickTrackProfit to build your list but it will take a little extra work on your part create all of your emails from scratch.

If the list building stuff is still over your head and you are just looking for a simple system to get more traffic and make money then ClickTrackProfit is a great place to start.  There are videos that lead your step-by-step through the system and the whole thing is very easy to setup.

What do you think?  ClickTrackProfit or TEProfits?


Social Surfing Secrets Launches Today

Happy Monday!

Are you taking advantage of free social media resources available to you right now to grow your business?

As more people begin to discover the benefits of social networking it has become necessary for us to evolve the way we do business online to take advantage of these new techniques without being left behind.  One area where these changes are having a major effect right now is in the traffic exchange industry.

To help you take advantage of these new techniques my friends Jon Olson and John Guanzon are releasing a new ebook today called “Social Surfing Secrets”.

You can download your free copy starting today at 12 Noon EST from this link:

Be sure to grab their rebranding offer when you first join. This ebook is sure to be passed around for months to come, the rebranding potential is HUGE for Social Surfing Secrets!

Limited Time Thank You Gift!

Warning: Social Media Is Changing The Traffic Exchanges!

Don’t Miss the information in this report, it directly effects YOU and your business on the traffic exchanges. Don’t get left behind…

Claim Your FREE Copy Now!

Interviewing the Traffic Exchange Leaders

Ah traffic exchanges.

Say what you want about these free traffic programs but you won’t find another niche of Internet marketing where there are so many successful people willing to help other struggling marketers for free.

I have met some amazing people in the traffic exchange community.  Probably the best thing I ever did for my business was to start attending the online conferences at Affiliate Funnel, SWAT Traffic and Traffic Exchange Live.  These conferences have given me the opportunity to learn from some extremely successful marketers and also to also get to know them on a personal level as well.

One of the guys I met recently at Traffic Exchange Live is John Holmes who just took over the ownership of SWAT Traffic.  James hosts a Blog Talk Radio show on Internet marketing.

For the past week James has been interviewing some of the biggest names in the traffic exchange industry in a series called “Discover Traffic Exchanges”.  The last interview aired yesterday but thankfully all of the shows have been archived so you can listen to them whenever it is convenient for you.

Here’s the full list of interviews:

Episode 125: Tim Linden of StartXchange  >> Listen Here
Episode 126: Tony Tezak of Tezak Traffic Power >> Listen Here
Episode 127: Open Session  >> Listen Here
Episode 129: Randy Ritter of Top Flight Traffic  >> Listen Here
Episode 130: Marc Eglon of Jetstream Traffic  >> Listen Here
Episode 131: Guido Nussbaum of Traffic Witch >> Listen Here
Episode 132: John Guanzan of ThumbVu  >> Listen Here
Episode 133: Jon Olson of I Love Hits  >> Listen Here
Episode 134: Kym Robinson of Traffic Showdown  >> Listen Here
Episode 136: Lynn McCutcheon of Traffic Pro-X  >> Listen Here
Episode 137: Paul Kinder of Traffic Splash >> Listen Here

Seriously, go listen to these!

In any other industry you would find these interviews packaged and sold together for hundreds or even thousands of dollars.  You can click the links right now and go listen to these interviews for free!  They are great to listen to while you are working and I guarantee you will gain some valuable knowledge about these owners, the traffic exchange industry, and how to run your own successful online business.

There is a lot more to this business than just getting your links in front of as many people as possible.  Start taking some action and get to know who your fellow Internet marketers are.  It won’t cost you a dime and you will be amazed by how far you can go with just a little help from the people who have been where you are now.

The Best Safelists for March 2010

Welcome to March and a whole new month of safelist marketing.  Lots of good stuff to talk about this month so let’s jump right in…

First, the big news last month was all about the rise in popularity of safelist cheat software and the safelists owners efforts to fight it.  Well, I am happy to report that the war is over… and WE WON!  Mostly.  Andrew Baxter, the creator of the most popular software made an appearance at Net Marketing Forum and agreed to stop selling and supporting his software.  You can read the whole thread here.

Andrew also states that the developers of several other safelist cheat programs had sent him very angry emails because he had made his software so public resulting in the safelists adding anti-cheat devices.  I guess that confirms that there are still other cheaters out there but at least the anti-cheat stuff is working.

Also I want to remind everyone that while there are people using bots to click your safelist credit links this doesn’t hurt the effectiveness of safelist advertising.  When you spend your safelist credits your credits are used whether or not someone opens your email.  The bots just allow people to earn credits they don’t deserve.  This could result in more emails in your inbox but that also means more credits for you to earn.

There was a pretty huge launch last month.  List Effects is the new viral list builder from two of the biggest names in the safelist and text ad exchange industry.  To be honest, the site isn’t really pretty.  In fact, it looks a little too much like the inside of a text ad exchange… but it’s the results that matter.  And WOW is List Effects kicking butt.  Check the stats below and you will see why I am so excited about this new program.

A not so new program that I finally joined last month is List Building Maximizer.  I don’t know why I waited so long to join this one.  I guess I figure that newer sites aren’t going to have enough members until they have been around for awhile.  Obviously I was wrong.  Based on the stats below List Building Maximizer is crushing it!  If there are other great safelists like this out there that I am missing out on please let me know.

Ok.  Here are my safelist stats from last month.  These stats come from advertising my video splash page for Safelist Marketing Tactics.

Total Clicks

Unique Clicks Action Sales CTA CTS
List Effects
1,076 818 104 21 12.71% 2.57%
ViralAdStore 1,520 915 61 18 6.67% 1.97%
1,757 894 57 18 6.38% 2.01%
Got Safelist 3,808 1,571 50 10 3.18% 0.64%
Elite Safelist 1,396 682 36 10 5.28% 1.47%
List Auction 1,042 737 34 10 4.61% 1.36%
AdSolutionline 2,338 917 26 4 2.84% 0.44%
FreeSafelistMailer 962 466 13 3 2.79% 0.64%

“Clicks” is how many people viewed my splash page.  “Action” is how many people clicked the link on my splash page to go to the main site.  “Sales” is how many people joined my site.  CTA and CTS are “clicks to action” and “clicks to sale”.  I ranked these safelists by sales but it is also important to look at the other numbers to determine how responsive each safelist really is.

Not counting the two new sites it looks like I had a slight drop in my overall results from last month.  That could be a result of me playing around with my subject lines.  I am surprised that List Auction continues to drop.  This could be a result of how few emails they are sending out which means less credits for me to earn for my own ads.  It’s nice to see Got Safelist and Elite Safelist doing really well again.

Obviously the biggest winners this month are List Effects and List Building Maximizer. If you are not a member of these two programs yet you are missing out on some seriously good traffic.

I guess that’s about it for this month.  As usual my stats are a result of my efforts and the pages I am promoting.  Your results may not be the same but you can use my stats as a guide for deciding where you should be promoting this month.  How do I know which safelists work best for me?  I track my results.  If you aren’t tracking you are wasting a big chunk of your time.  You can get a free link tracker from TEToolbox.

 The Best Safelists for February 2010