I Attend Online Internet Marketing Conferences

One of the biggest boosts I have gotten in my Internet marketer career happened when I started attending online Internet marketing conferences.  It it something I find myself constantly recommending to other marketers no matter what their experience level is.

I thought I would make a post listing some of my favorite online Internet marketing conferences that I try to attend as often as possible.

These conferences are all free!

These are not sales calls.  I always tell people that in these conferences there is no hype, no bs, and nobody will ever try to sell you anything.  It’s just a good place to network with other marketers and get the help you need from the people who are actually successful in this business.

Participation is totally optional.  If you want to ask questions and get involved in the conversation you will definitely get the most out of the experience.  However, if you would prefer to hang back and just observe what goes on you are more than welcome to do that too.

Affiliate Funnel
When: Every Saturday @ Noon EST
Hosts: William Brandt and Paul Kinder
Where: http://www.hotconference.com/conference,82001688

This was the conference that started it for me.  Affiliate Funnel brings to the table a wide variety of great guest speakers every week from around the industry.  The discussions are usually followed by an open q&a session where participants are free to ask any questions they have.  This is one of the largest weekly conferences I attend with dozens of big name program owners in attendance every week.  After the conference is over is not unusual to find owners offering incredible credit deals on their sites.  You would be amazed at the kind of deals you can find just from attending this one conference every week.  Highly recommended.


TimTech (T3)
When: Every Monday @ 7:00 PM EST
Hosts: Jon Olson, Tim Linden, and Justin Ledvina
Where: http://www.trafficexchangelive.com/room.php

This was formerly the conference to support TE Toolbox but with the recent forming of TimTech this conference is now covering all of their businesses under one umbrella.  This includes TE Toolbox, Sweeva, Adkreator, Click Track Profit, I Love Hits, and StartXchange.  The discussions are not limited to just these programs and often cover things like social networking, personal branding, list building, and starting an online business.


Tezak Traffic Power
When: 1st and 3rd Wednesday @ 6:30 PM EST
Hosts: Tony Tezak
Where: http://www.hotconference.com/conference,ttpchat

This is mostly a conference dedicated to members of Tezak Traffic Power traffic exchange.  You will find lots of great information here about how to get the most out of using free traffic exchanges to promote your sites.  Plenty of prizes are given away to attendees making this a very fun a conference to attend.


SWAT Traffic
When: Every Wednesday @ 8:00 PM EST
Hosts: James Holmes
Where: http://swattraffic.com/seminarroom.html

Another traffic exchange related conference room presented by SWAT Traffic.  Here you will find a wider discussions about the traffic exchange industry as a whole and discover lots of new ways to improve your online business.


Get Referrals Fast
When: Every Thursday @ 8:00 PM EST
Hosts: Mike Paetzold and Jerry Reeder
Where: http://www.hotconference.com/conference,81842117

The Get Referrals Fast conferences are a more structured than some of the others listed above.  These conferences are serious online training classes covering everything from list building, traffic generation, content creation, and all the nitty gritty details of running a successful online business.  This is some of the best online training you will find and the fact that it is given away for free makes this well worth attending every week.


Traffic Exchange Live
When: Every Weekday @ 4:00 PM EST
Hosts: Jon Olson, Tim Linden, and Justin Ledvina
Where: http://www.trafficexchangelive.com

This one is probably my favorite.  It is much less structured than the other conferences.  We often joke that we discuss everything here except business.  That’s not really true because TE Live is really more of a daily 1-hour peek into the lives of some of the more successful online business owners.  You would be surprised how much you can learn about running an online business just from “hanging out” with the people who are doing it.  Highly recommended.

My Favorite Internet Marketing Forums

Welcome back.

The other day I posted an article on my blog that was all about using Internet marketing forums.  In case you missed it, you can read it here:


I had intended to promote some of my favorite forums in the article but it was getting kinda long so I decided to save that information for a new post.

So what are the best Internet marketing forums?

Probably the largest and most popular Internet marketing forum is the Warrior Forum.  This is probably one of the very first forums I joined when I got into Internet marketing.  It’s extremely active and filled with a wealth of information for new and seasoned marketers.

To be honest, I can’t keep up with everything happening on the Warrior Forum.  There’s literally hundreds of new posts there every day.  It boggles the mind to imagine how anyone can find the time to follow all of the conversations happening there and still manage to get any work done.

But still, if you are willing to put in the effort the Warrior Forum is a great place to learn almost every aspect of Internet marketing from people who are actually doing it.

Digital Point is another extremely active Internet marketing forum filled with great information.

But my personal favorite forum is Net Marketing Forum.

Net Marketing Forum is targeted more towards the hit exchange side of the industry which is right up my alley.  It’s not nearly as active as the Warrior Forum or Digital Point but that also makes it much easier to keep up with.

Just because Net Marketing Forum is smaller than those other sites doesn’t make it any less valuable.  You’ll still find heavy hitters there such as Jon Olson, Tim Linden, Tony Tezak, Mike Paetzold, Robert Puddy, Soren Sordansen, and Paul Kinder (just to name a few).  Of course marketers of all experience levels are welcome.

Net Marketing Forum just recently updated their script and now it really is one of the most interesting forums I am a member of.  The new Net Marketing Forum has taken it’s social networking ability to a whole new level with a wealth of new features.

One thing I would like to ask… if you do decide to join Net Marketing Forum there is a space that asks you to enter the username of the personal who referred you.  If you can, please enter my username: Jerry Iannucci.

I don’t get anything for it other than a little extra street cred but that’s all part of the fun of using a site like Net Marketing Forum.

My Sweeva Review

Happy Tuesday!

While I know many of you have already joined I thought today would be a good day to write a quick Sweeva review for those of you who still have not checked it out.

In case you missed it.  Sweeva is a new concept traffic exchange program that was created by Jon Olson, Tim Linden, and Austin Hallock which launched  last Tuesday.

Here’s my link:

I know the words “traffic exchange” tend to scare people off but Sweeva is something totally different which is using what they are calling “social  browsing”.

The idea with Sweeva is that all active members are viewing the same pages at the same time.  They can then leave real-time comments about the site they are viewing.

I was actually a beta tester for the site but now that’s it has launched I can’t tell you how much cooler Sweeva is now that there are over 6600 people using it.

I think my favorite part of Sweeva is being present when my site is being shown…

When your bid is accepted at Sweeva you are told exactly what time your page will be shown on the system.  As soon as my site comes up I will post a message telling everybody that I am there and maybe give them a little extra incentive to sign-up at my site.  I can even interact with the people viewing my page to address any concerns they have about my site.

Here are some real-time stats and comments about some of the pages I am currently showing on Sweeva:


Pretty neat, huh?

In addition to just looking at websites there is a slew of ways to earn credits at
Sweeva and a whole leveling system that unlocks new features depending on how active you are.  This makes Sweeva a totally addictive experience.

The only thing on Sweeva I am not too crazy about is the “bidding” system.  The way it works is that Sweeva decides who’s site to show next based on how many credits each person has bid.  During the day when Sweeva is most active the bidding can get a little bit competitive.  For example, right now
there are about 35-40 people browsing Sweeva and I am bidding about 80 credits to get my site seen while some people are bidding 100-120 credits.  Those people aren’t getting any extra benefits for their credits other than having their site seen a little sooner than mine.

The bidding concept can be a little confusing for new members.  From inside the members area you can see real-time stats of how many people are viewing each webpage.  My advice is to bid twice as many credits and then adjust your bid depending on how long it takes to see your site. Bidding twice as much works out to about 2:1 ratio which is as good if not better than your
typical traffic exchange plus you get the added benefit of people who are actually looking at and commenting on your website.

Conversions are way better than other traffic exchanges.  Over the past week my two best splash pages have received 7,906 hits which have generated 94 click-thrus and 20 new sign ups.  Not too bad.

The Sweeva commissions are also really sweet. I’m earning an average of $3.18 for every member I refer to the site.  That’s way more than any traffic exchange I have ever promoted.

One thing I should point out is that if you are going to join you should really pay close attention to the “One Time Offer” you will see when you sign-up.  Almost all of my referrals who have upgraded skipped this offer and ended up paying the full price inside the site. Sweeva is the real deal!  It’s not something
you will use once and forget about.  If you can afford the upgrade when you join… grab it!

Ok, this is getting much longer than I had planned.  I’ll just end by saying that
Sweeva definitely gets a big thumbs up from me.  If you have tried other traffic exchanges and got poor results then I suggest going into Sweeva with an open mind.  Sweeva is truely like nothing else you have tried before and
needs to be experienced at least once.

Click the banner below to join now.

Click Here to Join Sweeva

“TE Teams” Has Arrived!

Now this is cool!

Last night while hanging out at TE Live I had the fortune of witnessing the birth of a brand new concept in downline building.  It’s a new program that is being called “TE Teams“.

TE Teams was created from scratch over the last week by Tim Linden, John Guanzon, Austin Hallock, and Jon Olson.  The idea is to build your downlines in a variety of programs using teams instead of trying to do it alone.

The new site is very slick and is designed to build your downlines in TrafficWave, TEToolbox, Thumbvu, StartXchange, I Love Hits, Traffic Splash, and Dragon Surf.

Since I was there for the unveiling I was lucky enough to snag a position of “team leader” for my own team called… (drum roll)…  EXCELSIOR!

So far, i’m loving it!  In the few hours since I have been a team leader we have rocketed to the top of the teams list and we have even generated a few referrals for our members.

TE Teams is totally free to join.  There are no OTOs or upgrade offers.

If you are interested in building your downlines in the above programs and you feel that you would like to contribute to Team Excelsior we would love to have to on board.  Simply click the link below to join for free.

Click Here to Join “Team Excelsior