“TE Teams” Has Arrived!

Now this is cool!

Last night while hanging out at TE Live I had the fortune of witnessing the birth of a brand new concept in downline building.  It’s a new program that is being called “TE Teams“.

TE Teams was created from scratch over the last week by Tim Linden, John Guanzon, Austin Hallock, and Jon Olson.  The idea is to build your downlines in a variety of programs using teams instead of trying to do it alone.

The new site is very slick and is designed to build your downlines in TrafficWave, TEToolbox, Thumbvu, StartXchange, I Love Hits, Traffic Splash, and Dragon Surf.

Since I was there for the unveiling I was lucky enough to snag a position of “team leader” for my own team called… (drum roll)…  EXCELSIOR!

So far, i’m loving it!  In the few hours since I have been a team leader we have rocketed to the top of the teams list and we have even generated a few referrals for our members.

TE Teams is totally free to join.  There are no OTOs or upgrade offers.

If you are interested in building your downlines in the above programs and you feel that you would like to contribute to Team Excelsior we would love to have to on board.  Simply click the link below to join for free.

Click Here to Join “Team Excelsior