The Evolution of My Squeeze Pages

Happy Tuesday!

Today kicks off Sterling Valentine’s “30 Day Listbuilding Challenge” at List Laser.  In case you haven’t heard I have been asked to be a guest judge and one of the trainers for the challenge.

To be honest, I hate public speaking (who doesn’t?) so my mind has been racing trying to figure out what to talk about for an hour.  I’m sure I will probably spend some time talking about how I got started list building and that got me thinking about how far I have come with the design of my squeeze pages.

I thought it would be fun to dig into my archives and share some of my early squeeze page designs with you.

Some of these are pretty embarrassing but having durfed in front of a few hundred people I don’t think these can hurt my reputation any worse.

Aug 2007 – My Introduction to List Building

I won’t go into the whole story but back in 2007 I joined a very expensive online business opportunity and promoted it pretty heavily.  The company had a large variety of promo tools that we could use to promote the site including some very professional looking squeeze pages.

I remember we had the option to use the company autoresponder or subscribe to Aweber and manage our lists ourselves. Luckily I was smart enough back then to know that if I was going to be building a list that I want my contacts to be in my possession and not the owners of this program. I went with Aweber which I am still using today and believe it or not some of the contacts that I made back then are still active today.

I don’t have any samples from this period because I was using the generic company squeeze pages.  Let’s just say, they didn’t work very well.

Feb 2008 – List Building for Profit

The business opportunity I was promoting eventually closed (as they almost always do) but I still had my list and I was starting to see how powerful this list building stuff could be.

I decided to try building a list and using it to make money without having someone else’s business opportunity on the backend.

At the time I was doing a lot of advertising on traffic exchanges. I went and found myself a free rebrandable ebook about traffic exchanges written by someone else that I could promote to build my list.

Here’s the page I came up with:

Yes, that is Homer Simpson.

No, I don’t own the rights to that picture.

Yes, I probably could have gotten sued for using that.

Don’t worry.  I don’t do that any more and I recommend you don’t do it either.

But, even back then I was trying to do something that would stick out in the sea of generic affiliate pages that people were promoting in traffic exchanges.  Homer got people’s attention.  It worked.

I also knew the power of personal branding back then.  Yep, it’s the same picture I am still using today.  Seriously, build your brand!  It’s one of the best things you can do for your business.

What I didn’t know back then is the importance of keeping your squeeze pages “above the fold”.  What that means is that most people viewing your squeeze page in traffic exchanges or safelists are too lazy scroll down your page.  You need to try and keep all of your information within the viewing screen so people can sign-up without needing to scroll.

July 2008 – My Own Product

Around this time I started to see the benefits of creating my own free giveaway product instead of promoting one created by someone else.  I was still promoting pretty heavily in the traffic exchanges so I decided to write my own traffic exchange book.

Here’s one of the early squeeze pages I made for it:

Yeah, that’s pretty bad.

But I still have my picture, it’s a decent headline, the bullet points are good, there’s a call to action, I changed the “submit” button, and I included a privacy disclaimer.

If only it wasn’t so ugly!

By the way, not too many people remember this book and I don’t recommend that you go looking for it.  It’s seriously outdated and there are much better TE books out there today.

In fact, forget you ever saw that page!

June 2009 – Professional Design

In 2009 I started launching my own membership sites to support my ebooks.  This was a step up from what I was doing before so I starting spending some money to have a professional graphic designer create my squeeze pages for me.

The result:

Pretty nice, huh?

One of the things people don’t tell you about hiring a web designer is that you still have to do some work.  I assumed I could just pay someone some money and say “give me something awesome” but from my experience designers usually want you to tell them exactly what to do.  So I still had to write the copy and give them the general layout but the design is much better than anything I could have done on my own.

March 2010 – The Three Stooges

This is easily my most successful squeeze page so far.

It was originally a splash page but I recently remade it into a squeeze page that I could use to build my list.  It’s got a headline that you can’t miss and while the music may be annoying you definitely can’t ignore it when you are surfing.

Check it out:

To make this I basically just chopped off the header from my website (to keep it “above the fold”), deleted all of the content, and added the squeeze page.

And in case you are wondering about the copyright issue… that particular episode of The Three Stooges has fallen into public domain.  I think that means I can’t be sued for using it… at least I hope that’s true.  I just wish there were more good public domain videos that I could edit into something like this.

Present – Fast and Easy Squeeze Pages

Lately I have gone back to making my own squeeze pages using AdKreator.

It’s rare but every so often I get a brilliant idea in the middle of the night for a squeeze page and don’t want to wait weeks for a designer to make it for me. With AdKreator I can make my own professional looking squeeze pages and have them online in less than hour.

Here’s one of my most recent squeeze pages:

AdKreator is very simple to use and it’s a lot cheaper than constantly hiring graphic designers to make squeeze pages for you.  It’s also not nearly as embarrassing as some of the early designs I tried to make on my own.

So that’s it.  If you want to build your list you need a good squeeze page.  In most cases your squeeze page is going to be your introduction to your new subscriber.  Always put your best foot forward and do something unique that makes you stick out from the pack.

Also, don’t worry if your first designs suck because mine sure did.

New JV Giveaway Events – April 27, 2011

Now that Easter is over things have finally quieted down a bit in the giveaway world.

The biggest event happening right now is the new program from Guido Nussbaum called “Traffic Gifts“.

Traffic Gifts is not your typical giveaway event.  It’s more of a mix between a giveaway event and a free traffic exchange.  While most events require you to sponsor other members to earn your rank with Traffic Gifts you can “surf” your way to the top.

It’s pretty cool.

If you haven’t tried it yet please click here to check it out:

As for the normal giveaway events…

Here is the complete list of upcoming JV giveaway events that are currently seeking contributors for: April 27, 2011.

JV Giveaway Events

May 1 – Shop4Bizness Giveaway
Contributors: 92  Gifts: 73

May 17 – Giveaway Elite
Contributors: 55  Gifts: 54

May 17 – Memorial Day Giveaway 2011
Contributors: 90  Gifts: 65


You can find a complete listing of upcoming giveaways on the events calendar at:

card1 med2 New JV Giveaway Events – April 27, 2011

New JV Giveaway Events – April 3, 2011

Here is the latest list of upcoming JV giveaway events that are currently seeking contributors for: April 3, 2011.

The #1 pick is still Guido Nussbaum’s “Easter JV Giveaway 2011“.  If you are not a member yet you have until Tuesday to submit your squeeze page before the big launch.

You can join by clicking the link below.

JV Giveaway Events

*April 5 – Easter JV Giveaway 2011
Contributors: 1590   Gifts: 83

April 8 – Red Devil Giveaway
Contributors: 217   Gifts: 172

April 11 – Realtime Listbuilder Giveaway
Contributors: 370   Gifts: 77

April 13 – Spring IM Giveaway
Contributors: 147   Gifts: 115

* Recommended

You can find a complete listing of upcoming giveaways on the events calendar at:

card1 med2 New JV Giveaway Events – April 3, 2011

New JV Giveaway Events – March 16, 2011

Happy Wednesday!

I have just updated the calendar for all new upcoming JV giveaway events that are seeking contributors.

I’m super psyched because it was just announced that Guido Nussbaum and
David Ogden once again are doing their infamous “Easter Giveaway“.

This is typically one of the biggest giveaway events of the year and by far
the biggest event of the season.  You should definitely jump on this one if you
want to see how powerful a JV giveaway event can be.

Here is the complete list of upcoming JV giveaway events that are currently seeking contributors for: March 16, 2011.

JV Giveaway Events

*March 17 – Pot of Gold Gifts
Contributors: 2601  Gifts: 502

*March 18 – Rapid List-Builder JV Giveaway
Contributors: 463  Gifts: 48

March 21 – Gift Explosion Giveaway
Contributors: 154  Gifts: 121

March 22 – 5 Dollar Giveaway
Contributors: 187  Gifts: 95

March 22 – Century Giveaway
Contributors: 177  Gifts: 172

**April 5 – Easter JV Giveaway
Contributors: 284  Gifts: 26

* Recommended

You can find a complete listing of upcoming giveaways on the events calendar at:

card1 med2 New JV Giveaway Events   February 21, 2011

ClickTrackProfit vs TEProfits

Happy Monday!

I received a comment yesterday on one of my earlier posts about ClickTrackProfit asking if promoting CTP would conflict with their efforts to promote TEProfits.  The same topic came up earlier last week in a TELive and I thought it was worth discussing here.

Just so you know ClickTrackProfit and TEProfits are both essentially downline builders that target the traffic exchange industry.  Both programs have excellent online training and both can be used to build your TrafficWave downlines.

I think the biggest difference between the two programs is that TEProfits puts more emphasis on using TrafficWave to build your list than ClickTrackProfit does.  There are multiple squeeze pages within the TEProfits members area that you can promote as well as a 25 part email series that can automatically be loaded into your TrafficWave account.  If you are new to list building and want an easy system to help you get started then I highly recommend checking out TEProfits.

ClickTrackProfit on the other hand was designed to be super simple.  Although there is video training on how to use TrafficWave inside the members area the system itself revolves around creating your own custom splash page that you can promote in traffic exchanges to bring new members into the program.

Here’s my CTP splash page that I literally made in about 30 seconds:

By advertising that link on the recommended traffic exchanges my hits are automatically tracked and when I have received enough traffic I can unlock additional features on the ClickTrackProfit website.  It’s actually pretty neat.

ClickTrackProfit uses Adkreator to create your splash page.  If you wanted to you could turn your splash page into a squeeze page by adding your own autoresponder code to Adkreator.  That would allow you to build your list and promote the CTP system at the same time.  Unfortunately at this time there are no official CTP autoresponder emails to accompany your page so you would be responsible for creating those yourself.

I should probably also mention that if you are not into list building you can promote TEProfits with their splash pages and benefit from just using it as a downline builder.  In that sense TEProfits and ClickTrackProfit are both very similar.

So to answer my reader’s question…  if you are already using TEProfits to build your list then you are probably better off just continuing to do what you are doing.  Yes, you can use ClickTrackProfit to build your list but it will take a little extra work on your part create all of your emails from scratch.

If the list building stuff is still over your head and you are just looking for a simple system to get more traffic and make money then ClickTrackProfit is a great place to start.  There are videos that lead your step-by-step through the system and the whole thing is very easy to setup.

What do you think?  ClickTrackProfit or TEProfits?