Build Your List With Free JV Giveaway Events

Do you have a product and want thousands of people to get their hands on it?

Well, build your list by giving it away free!

Sell something to those people that sign up for your freebie on the backend and make a fortune off of it.

Sound Easy? It is.

Join The IM Dream Team event and get your products side by side with the IM Greats.

It only takes a few seconds to sign up and is well worth it.

You’ll also be able to watch step by step videos that will help you get the most out of this!

Plus, this event will help out a different charity during every give away.

Those that join and upgrade not only get the most out of this event but they also become superstars…

Making a difference in the eyes of those who maybe have no hope otherwise makes you an instant superstar…

Join Now – Make Money – Build Your List and Make a Difference!

Join IM Dream Team Now!

How To Make Money With JV Giveaways

This past week I finally took a chance and joined one of those JV giveaway sites I have been seeing around for the last few years.

If you don’t know what a JV giveaway site is it is a website that is setup for a set amount of time where Internet marketers can give away free products while building their list at the same time.

Part of the reason why I have always avoided these sites is that they always looked so poorly designed. I guess this has to do with the fact that they only exist for a short period of time and I guess the design really doesn’t matter much if the script does what it’s supposed to do which is build your list.

The other problem I always had with JV giveaways is that the people who can refer the most members get their products listed first and get the most benefit. Now I don’t mind getting my hands dirty but there are just some people I don’t want to compete with. I suppose I could if I really tried but there are just way too many other sites I need to be promoting instead of worrying about every new JV giveaway that comes along.

JV giveaways are free though so I figured what the heck. I joined The Halloween Giveaway and sent two emails to my list. The first email was seeking contributors and the second was a few days later after the site launched for regular members.

The results? With only a few sign-ups I manged to get ranked 38 out of 121 members. That puts me right in the middle of page 4. Not great but not terrible either considering I got in really late.

So what does that mean? Well, even being way down on page 4 I still got over 20 new sign-ups to my list plus another dozen people who have downloaded my ebook which is filled with my affiliate links.

Very cool! Especially when you think about how little work I need to do to get those results.

So now I am looking ahead to the next big event. There are a few coming up in November but so far it looks like the biggest one is going to be the IM Dream Team JV giveaway.

The IM Dream Team JV giveaway is currently accepting contributors but doesn’t officially open the doors to the public until November 15.  That’s plenty of time to claim a good spot and start building your list with other JV contributors.

Considering how well the The Halloween Giveaway has been working I decided to grab an upgraded membership when I joined the IM Dream Team JV giveaway.  This automatically moves me ahead of the free members and also lets me upload my own one-time-offer page which will be shown to other members when they login into the site from now until the end of November.  Sweet!

Go free or go paid but if you want to build a huge list get in on the IM Dream Team JV giveaway now!  Click the image below to get started.

IM Dream Team