The Best Safelists for November 2011

Hello and welcome to November!

It’s a new month and that means it’s time to dig out my safelist and viral list builder advertising stats from last months and share with you what sites are currently bringing me the best results.

But first… the news!

The biggest launch from last month was the new release of a unique viral list builder from my good friend John Bell.  It’s called Viral List Builder Plus.  I don’t have any stats to share yet but so far I am really enjoying this site.  One of the unique features displays the open rate of all emails sent through the site.  Members are receiving between 17% and 20% open rate for all emails sent through the system.  Not bad.  I will definitely keep working this one and share my stats with you next month.

Now for the stats.

If you’ve never been here before this is how it works.  Every month I promote a series of lead capture pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics on 30-40 different safelists and viral list builders.  I try to view as many emails from other members as I can to earn enough credits to send my emails as often as possible.  I use a free link tracker to find out how my hits my pages received from each site as well as how many new subscribers I received.  I do have upgraded memberships at most of these sites which usually allows me to send my ads more often.  My ads are also very targeted to other safelist and viral list builder members which help to increase my results.  Your results my vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
List Bonus 1355 82.00% 19 1.40%
The Lead Magnet 1174 61.00% 17 1.49%
State of the Art Mailer 4130 77.00% 14 0.39%
List Adventure 912 60.00% 12 1.32%
Adchiever 1704 69.00% 11 0.65%
Viral URL 34 81.00% 10 29.41%
AdsolutionLine 2734 42.00% 9 0.33%
Elite Safelist 2612 38.00% 9 0.34%
Ultimate Profit List 1048 73.00% 9 0.86%
Instant List Empire 340 66.00% 8 2.35%
List Joe 1576 75.00% 8 0.51%
Quick List Profits 505 64.00% 8 1.58%
List Effects 355 61.00% 7 1.97%
Adtactics 1788 40.00% 6 0.34%
Global Safelist 1411 38.00% 5 0.35%

Not a bad month.  The top 3 sites continue to dominate as they have for the past few months.  I love seeing List Adventure in the Top 5.  So many VLBs have come and gone over the last year that it’s great to see this site still competing so well.  If you are not yet a member of any of these I highly recommend joining now.

That’s it for this month.  I will be keeping a close eye on Viral List Builder Plus over the next few weeks and hopefully have some good stats to share with you next month.

Keep in mind that these stats are the result of my own marketing efforts and may not match your own.  These are only provided as a guide to show you what is currently working best for me.  What works best for you might be something entirely different but you will never know unless you are tracking your ads.  You can get the same free link tracker that I use when you join TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics


Viral List Builder Plus Launches Today

Happy Monday!

It’s been awhile since there have been any new launches that have been worth mentioning but today I finally have a good one for you.  It’s a new viral list builder from my good friend John Bell.  It’s called “Viral List Builder Plus“.

I’ve know John Bell for a little over a year now from working with him in the traffic exchange industry.  John is what I like to call a “triple threat”.  He’s great at design, programming, and marketing.  Not too many  people can do all three.

John has taken his experience from what he has learned in the traffic exchange industry to create a unique viral list builder that I think is really going to knock your socks off.

What can you expect from this launch?

Hundreds of new marketers and opportunity seekers will be joining John’s site over the next few days.  This is the perfect time for you to get in there and start getting your ads seen today.

Launch is scheduled for 8:00am EST TODAY!

What are you waiting for?

Click the banner below to grab your free membership now!

Click Here to Join!


How’s Your List Coming Along?

I guess it’s been over a week since I have posted any of my list building articles.  I was just wondering, are you putting all this list building stuff into practice yet?

I know it can seem a bit complicated at times when you are trying to figure out how all these pieces are supposed to fit together.  It doesn’t help either that most of the lessons are getting spread out over time and might not make a lot of sense the first time you read them.

Wouldn’t it be easier to just watch an expert list builder at work and see exactly how he does it?

Well, that’s what you are gonna get…

My good friend John Guanzon has just starting allowing access to his exclusive “List Building Vids Club” and you can get in now at a crazy  introductory price!

John knows his stuff.  He has been list building for years and he is one of the
first people I talk to whenever I have questions about list building.

John is providing you with his complete step-by-step system that you can use to start building, growing, and profiting from your very own opt-in list of subscribers starting today!

Don’t miss this opportunity to join the List Building Vids club.  Click the link
below to claim your membership now.

Click Here to Join ListBuildingVids Club

Thumbvu Traffic Exchange Launches

Happy Tuesday!

I am very excited today because the long wait is finally over…

Thumbvu is here!

In case you haven’t heard Thumbvu is the new traffic exchange program that i’ve been testing for my good friend John Guanzon.

I know…  Another new traffic exchange.  Big deal.  Right?

No. Thumbvu is different.  It’s like nothing anyone has seen before.

Thumbvu is a totally unique traffic exchange which prequalifies your visitors right from the surf bar.  It also ties directly into your social media sites like
Twitter and Facebook allowing you to build your social network like never before.

There’s even an app for your phone :)

You gotta try this…

Thumbvu is free to join, but I urge you to carefully review the one time offer
you will see after you do. They are practically giving you everything you will need for your advertising needs this year at a rock bottom price you can’t  afford not to take action on.

Click the link below to join Thumbvu now…
