Viral Traffic Games: A Marketer’s Playground

Viral Traffic Games (VTG) blends the worlds of online marketing and gaming into a unique platform that not only increases your website’s visibility but also adds an element of fun and competition. With over 440 exchanges and mailers participating, VTG allows you to promote your ads while engaging in an interactive game that rewards you with traffic, cash prizes, and more.

How Viral Traffic Games Works

At its core, Viral Traffic Games is designed to enhance your experience with traffic exchanges and viral mailers by introducing a gamified layer to the advertising process. As you surf sites or read emails within these platforms, VTG invites you to participate in games, turning routine marketing activities into an engaging experience. This integration means you can win prizes and gain additional advertising exposure without extra effort.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Competitive Gaming: Challenge other members in a fun and competitive environment, adding a new dimension to your marketing efforts.
  • Rewards for Participation: Collect items and win prizes that include cash and additional advertising opportunities, enriching your marketing strategy.
  • Multi-Site Exposure: Play across any participating site, ensuring your ads are seen across a wide network of platforms.
  • Weekly Tournaments: Compete for top positions in weekly tournaments to win prizes and gain recognition within the VTG community.

Leveraging Viral Traffic Games for Marketing Success

1. Maximizing Membership Rewards

Even if competitive gaming isn’t your main focus, simply being a part of Viral Traffic Games can offer tangible benefits. Just moving your character in any direction when prompted, rewards you with credits, banner impressions, and even cash at the traffic exchange you are surfing. This ensures that every VTG member, regardless of their gaming interest, can benefit from the platform.

2. Strategic Gameplay Insights

The Art of Leveling Up

To get ahead in VTG’s weekly tournaments, it’s crucial to know the fastest ways to level up. The best strategy is to go after other players whenever you can. If you see another player nearby, challenge them before you pick up your fifth magic item. This move not only bumps you up a level but also keeps your collection of magic items intact, setting you up for another quick level up. Here’s the kicker: when you level up by beating another player, you’re teleported to a new spot on the map, which might just put you next to another magic item you can grab right away. If you go for the magic item first and hit that fifth one, you’ll level up, but you’ll lose sight of the other players, missing out on easy battles. Always target other players first to make the most of your moves and keep leveling up quickly.

Planning Your Weeks

It pays to be strategic with how you play Viral Traffic Games. Sometimes, the best move is to actually take a break from competing. Spend a week just scooping up those hard-to-reach magic items instead of going all out in the tournaments. This sets you up nicely for the upcoming weeks, where you can come back stronger and level up faster. Think of it as gathering your ammo before a big fight—it can really boost your performance in the next round of competitions.

3. The Power of NPCs and Quests

Don’t miss out on the special NPC characters in Viral Traffic Games. They can seriously boost your game without steering you off your main path:

  • Sarah the Item Collector: Keep an eye out for Sarah in the tournament games. She’s on the hunt for specific magic items and if you bring them to her, she’ll trade you some valuable magic rubies. Once you complete her quest, which you can only do once a day, you’ll need to wait until the next day to get another one from her. This makes every encounter with Sarah a precious opportunity to stock up on those beneficial rubies.
  • Chloe the Speedster: Chloe is all about speed and loves a good chase. Catching her isn’t easy as she moves quickly and never tires, but she rewards you with a bunch of magic rubies. You can only catch Chloe once per day, so making it a daily goal to chase her down can really pay off in terms of boosting your resources.
  • Katie and the Weekly Tokens: Katie’s role in the game is to hand out weekly tokens that enter you into a lottery for banners and text ad impressions at the end of the tournament. Although there’s no limit to how many times you can find Katie, she teleports to a new location after each encounter. I usually grab a token from her when she’s nearby, but I don’t go out of my way unless it’s convenient.

By strategically interacting with these NPCs, you can gather extra rubies and tokens that enhance your gameplay and improve your chances in the weekly tournaments without much extra effort.

4. The Power of Referrals

VTG is not just a game—it’s a powerful tool for growing your downline and boosting your presence across various traffic exchanges. As you dive into the game, you’ll find that VTG encourages you to join new traffic exchanges to unlock greater rewards. This aspect is particularly beneficial because VTG acts as a downline builder. When you sign up for new exchanges through VTG, your referral links are automatically promoted to your downline. This promotion extends beyond just your direct contacts, reaching down through their downlines as well. As a result, you’re not only expanding your network but also significantly enhancing your marketing efforts by building a robust referral network across numerous traffic exchanges.

Practical Tips for Maximizing Your Viral Traffic Games Experience

Weekly Planning: To make the most out of Viral Traffic Games, it’s smart to plan your activities weekly. Instead of just randomly collecting items or competing in tournaments, strategize your moves. For instance, allocate specific weeks to focus solely on gathering hard-to-reach magic items, while other weeks could be dedicated to intense competition. This planned alternation between collection and competition can significantly boost your performance and rewards.

Referral Engagement: VTG is more than just a game; it’s a community builder. Actively promote VTG within your network to enhance your visibility and credibility. Every new member you bring into VTG through your referral not only boosts your position but also contributes to creating a vibrant, engaged community. Share your VTG experiences and invite your network to join through your referral links, showcasing the benefits and fun of participating in VTG. This not only helps you build a deeper, more active downline but also strengthens your entire network by adding value to their marketing efforts.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Over-Focusing on Item Collection: While collecting items is essential, don’t get so caught up in it that you miss opportunities to engage with other players which could offer quicker leveling up.
  • Neglecting NPC Interactions: NPCs like Sarah and Chloe can significantly tilt the game in your favor. Regularly engaging with them can turn an average game week into a great one.


Viral Traffic Games offers a fresh and engaging way to boost your online marketing efforts by combining the fun of gaming with powerful traffic generation and network expansion strategies. By using the strategies we’ve discussed, you can not only increase your website’s visibility but also make the whole process more enjoyable.

Take the Leap

Dive into Viral Traffic Games and start playing with a strategy in mind. Whether you’re collecting items, chasing down NPCs, or building your downline, every move you make is an opportunity to enhance your marketing prowess. Use Viral Traffic Games as your playground to test strategies, learn from your experiences, and watch as your online presence grows in ways you hadn’t imagined.

Join the Community

I’d love to hear how Viral Traffic Games is working for you. Share your stories, successes, challenges, or any questions you might have in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other and make our marketing efforts not just successful, but also a lot of fun. Jump into the game, strategize smartly, and let’s watch our digital footprints expand together in this innovative platform.

Ready to start? Let Viral Traffic Games transform your marketing game. Dive in, engage, and enjoy the journey to greater online visibility and success. Click here to join.

My Daily Traffic Exchanges

person running near street between tall trees

Hey everyone! Today, I’m sharing a tool I use almost daily – the list of traffic exchanges that I regularly surf. It’s a live document that I keep bookmarked for my own use, making it super easy for me to launch into my daily surf routine. To streamline this process, I use Camel Tabs to manage multiple sites efficiently, ensuring I never miss a beat. I update this page regularly based on where I’m upgraded and where I find the best value for my time. While it’s tailored for my use, I figured some of you might find it interesting or even useful to see where I’m active. From my daily favorites to the ones I visit occasionally, this list keeps me organized and on track. Check it out; maybe you’ll discover some new places to explore!

Daily Start

These are the traffic exchanges I am surfing today. They offer great value and I highly recommend them.

Credits Full

These are great sites where I’m currently maxed out on credits. When they run out I will start surfing again.


Traffic exchanges with engaging games to earn more credits.


Great alternatives to diversify your traffic sources. I will swap in some of these when I want to surf somewhere new.

I hope this rundown of my personal traffic exchange toolkit offers you some valuable insights and perhaps even introduces you to a few new programs. But the world of online marketing is ever-evolving, and I know there are countless strategies and tools out there. So, I’d love to hear from you! What are your go-to traffic exchanges? Are there any hidden gems I should explore? Share your experiences and suggestions in the comments below.

Power Surf Central

Power Surf Central is a joint venture between the traffic exchange programs Hit Safari, Soaring4Traffic, and RealHitz4u.  The three program owners have teamed up to offer their members a reward system for the daily usage of their programs.

Here are a few of the features included with your Power Surf Central membership:

  • Your own customizable profile which you can share with the world
  • Powerful training that opens up new avenues of income streams and starts
    training people on the correct way to use traffic exchanges
  • Unlock rewards to build xp which unlock power points you can use for
    many features on the site including spotlight ads, credits, banner impressions
    text impressions and more being added all the time
  • An ever growing site that will continue to train its members to keep them
    ahead of the curve

Power Surf Central also functions as a downline builder for you as any new members that you refer will be required to join Hit Safari, Soaring4Traffic, and RealHitz4u to take advantage of their membership.

As more and more surfers are looking for extra rewards for their time spent surfing it makes sense for these three traffic exchange owners to join forces to offer Power Surf Central to their members.  Each of the featured traffic exchanges offer their own large and active memberships which together can be used to help your ads reach a much wider audience.

The new Power Surf Central website launches today.

Click the image below to join.

Thank You Page Ad

Safelist Review – TopTierMailer

TopTierMailer is the new viral list builder from Matthew Graves who is the creator of such popular traffic exchanges as WebBizInsider and TopTierTraffic.

TopTierMailer launched quietly on April 5, 2012.  I understand there were no JV partners for this launch but word has spread quickly.  It’s now 2 weeks later and TopTierMailer is fast approaching 3,000 members.

TopTierMailer is running on a similar version of the script used to run TopTierTraffic.  If you are a member of TopTierTraffic you will feel right at home here.  Because this is a unique script TopTierMailer offers some cool features not seen on any other safelist.

One of the first things you will notice is that TopTierMailer offers members an option to view emails right on the website.


This is great for people who are new to safelist marketing and aren’t ready to manage an inbox filled with daily emails.

The mailer also offers a unique feature not seen on other viral list builders.

Free Members can send an email to as many members as they have credits every 7 days. Premium Members are set for every 3 days. However, you dont have to send a single email to all the members. For example, if you had 2,000 credits, then you can send 1,000 members an email promoting Website A and the other 1,000 members a completely different email promoting Website B. You are not limited to sending a single email every 3 or 7 days. The limit is on how many emails you can send to EACH MEMBER every 3 or 7 days.

This means if you have multiple sites that you want to promote or if you want to split test different ads you don’t need to wait until your next mailing time to send multiple emails.

Another cool feature at TopTierMailer allows you transfer in your credits earned from Matthew’s traffic exchanges.  I love this feature because if I have read all of my emails and I still want more credits I can just head over to WebBizInsider and surf for more.

TopTierMailer is free but upgraded members also get these benefits:

  • 2,500 Weekly Mailing Credits
  • Get Double Credits for Reading Emails
  • Earn Credits Faster By Reading Emails in Digest Form (1 Email Per Day with all emails in it)
  • Digest Form Email Avoids Inbox Overload (1 Email Per Day with all emails in it)
  • Send Emails Every 3 Days (Free Is 7 Days)
  • Unlimited Banner Impressions (No Credits Needed)
  • Random Referrals Added To Your Downline (Yearly Membership Only)
  • Earn 50% Commissions (Free Is 10%)

The yearly membership is available immediately after joining.

While TopTierMailer has been online for about 2 weeks the mailer just opened a few days ago.  I sent my first email yesterday.  So far I have received 112 hits and 4 sign-ups.  Not bad for my first email.  I will continue to track my results and will be sharing my stats on my blog every month.

With nearly 3,000 members and 100 new ones joining every day TopTierMailer is definitely the place to be right now.  That’s a lot of active members and the perfect audience to be advertising to.  To say that I am excited for the future of TopTierMailer would be an understatement.  I am definitely looking forward to everything TopTierMailer has to offer.

If you haven’t joined yet click the banner below to join TopTierMailer for free.

Click Here to Join TopTierMailer


Keeping Track of Your TE Commissions

Hello and Happy Sunday!

About a year and a half ago I did a video walk through of a new site at the time called TE Command Post.

You can check out the video here:

TE Command Post continues to be one of the most useful services for traffic exchanges surfers that I have ever used.  When you are a member of dozens of traffic exchanges like I am it becomes extremely helpful to keep track of all of your credits on all of your traffic exchanges with just one click.

This past week TE Command Post added a new feature which makes it an even more invaluable tool… the ability to track all of the commissions traffic exchanges owe you.

Check this out:http://www.mytecommandpost.comAccording to TE Command Post I had over $400 in commissions owed to me that I had not yet received.  Now some of these sites do pay monthly and I just have not been paid yet this month.  List Surfing is a good example of this.  But many other sites require you to login and manually request your commissions be paid.  If you don’t know you are owed commissions you never get paid.

Just another reason why I believe TE Command Post is an essential tool for all Internet marketers who are promoting with traffic exchanges.

If you are not already a member then sign-up, select your traffic exchanges, and find out immediately who owes you money.

Click Here to Join TE Command Post