The Best Safelists for August 2011


Welcome to my August 2011 report of the current best safelists and viral list builders.

If this is your first time here you are in for a treat.  Every month I share my personal marketing stats from all of the safelists and viral list builders I used during the previous month.  This should help you get a better idea of what safelists and viral list builders are producing the best results going into the new month.  I also like to share any news or announcements of big launches that recently happened.

Last month there were no new safelists or viral list builder launches to report.  Sorry.

There was a new feature released at State of the Art Mailer worth mentioning called “Time Bonus Ads”.  I wrote about this in a previous post that you can find here.  To be honest I totally forgot all about this new feature since I last wrote about it… but that’s how it works!  You earn credits to show your banner ads across their network just doing the stuff you are already doing.  Since I last checked it I have had my banner shown 23,198 times and had 30 click-thrus to my sites.  Not bad for not having to do any extra work.

Ok, time for the stats…

Here’s how it works.  I promote several squeeze pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics on all of the top safelists and viral list builders.  I then track how many hits I received from each mailer and how many new subscribers they brought to my list.  I do have have upgraded memberships on most of these mailers which allow to me send my ads more often.  I also spend time every day clicking email ads for credits that allow me to send my emails to as many members as I can as often as I can.  This list is only intended as a guideline and your results my vary.

Hits Unique Conv. Ratio
List Bonus 1657 84.00% 18 1.09%
The Lead Magnet 1189 61.00% 17 1.43%
Instant List Empire 379 67.00% 12 3.17%
Viral URL 32 84.00% 11 34.38%
List Adventure 937 61.00% 11 1.17%
Adchiever 1629 70.00% 10 0.61%
State of the Art Mailer 4397 77.00% 9 0.20%
Instant Profit List 382 65.00% 8 2.09%
Ultimate Profit List 1405 76.00% 8 0.57%
Quick List Profits 445 69.00% 7 1.57%
List Joe 1880 76.00% 7 0.37%
AdsolutionLine 2842 43.00% 6 0.21%
List Effects 425 59.00% 6 1.41%
Viral Ad Store 584 65.00% 5 0.86%
Downline Builders Direct 338 55.00% 4 1.18%

Total July sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 160

Not too much has changed from last month.   The only exception is Instant List Empire which has made a pretty big jump from last month.  I like this mailer because as an upgraded member I only receive maybe one or two emails a day.  That makes earning extra credits a little tricky but it also means every time I send out an ad it gets noticed.

That’s it!  Don’t forget that these are my own personal tracking stats from promoting my own pages.  Your results may vary but you will never know unless you are tracking your own ads.  You can get the same tracking service I use for free from TE Toolbox.

Now get out there and start sending your ads!

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics

The Best Safelists for July 2011

Hello and welcome to July!

Has it really been a month since I last updated my blog?  Sorry.  I’ve been really busy working on my new site which I hope to unveil very soon.  Trust me, the wait is going to be worth it.

In the meantime I can’t ignore the fact that it is the first of the month and just like I have been doing since I don’t know when I started… it’s time to dig out my advertising stats from last month’s safelists and viral list builders and show you what has been working best for me.

But first, the news!

Actually, not too much to report from last month.  Sean Supplee did launch a new viral list builder called List Ablaze at the start of the month.  My stats there this month were good but nothing spectacular.  Are we starting to reach a point where the market for new viral list builders is becoming over saturated?

Ok, let’s get to the stats!

If you have never been here before, here’s how it works.  I promote a few rotating squeeze pages every day in over 30 different safelists and viral list builders.  I track how many people are clicking the credit links to view my pages and how many are joining my list.  Yes, I am upgraded on most of these mailers and your results may vary based on what it is you are promoting.  These stats are just meant to serve as a guide to help you to decide what mailers you should be using this month.

Got it?  Good.  Here we go…

Hits Unique Sign-ups Ratio
List Bonus
1600 81.00% 30 1.88%
Elite Safelist
2485 39.00% 18 0.72%
List Adventure
701 61.00% 17 2.43%
List Effects
338 60.00% 14 4.14%
3825 78.00% 14 0.37%
Adchiever 1474 68.00% 13 0.88%
The Lead Magnet
978 60.00% 11 1.12%
Viral URL
62 71.00% 11 17.74%
Ultimate Profit List
628 72.00% 11 1.75%
Viral Mail Profits
453 70.00% 11 2.43%
Instant List Empire
170 71.00% 8 4.71%
List Ablaze
716 73.00% 8 1.12%
Adsolutionline 2494 41.00% 7 0.28%
European Safelist
608 29.00% 7 1.15%

Total June sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 230

I decided to expand the list to 15 instead of 10 this month to help give a better picture of what is going on.

Once again, List Bonus is rocking the top of the list.  I don’t know how they are doing it but I am getting sign-ups every single time I send out an ad there.  If you’re not a member of List Bonus yet I have no idea what you are waiting for.

Look who has found their way back into the number two slot.  Is that Elite Safelist?  Why, yes it is!  Who said old school safelists are dead?  Those people are missing on on some great traffic from some great sites.  If you haven’t tried Elite Safelist in awhile go check it out.

And then there’s all the other mailers that we know and love.  Blah, blah, blah.

Now get out there and start promoting your sites!

But first, make sure you are tracking your links.  If you don’t track, you will never know which sites are working for you and which ones are not.  If you need a tracking tool you can get the same one that I am using for free from TEToolbox.

 The Best Safelists for June 2011
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics