New JV Giveaway Events – Oct 10, 2011

Here is the complete list of upcoming JV giveaway events that are currently seeking contributors for: Oct 10, 2011.

Lots and lots of events coming up but the biggest one of them all is Guido Nussbaum’s Halloween Giveaway.  This event is HUGE and should be considered essential for anybody building their list.

You can join the Halloween Giveaway here:

JV Giveaway Events

Oct 12 – Gold Standard Giveaway
Contributors:  151  Gifts:  136

Oct 14 – Newbie Marketing Giveaway
Contributors:  162  Gifts:  113

Oct 14 – Hillbilly Giveaway
Contributors:  344  Gifts:  102

Oct 14 – Internet Marketing Graphics Giveaway
Contributors:  82  Gifts:  63

Oct 16 – Scary Halloween Giveaway
Contributors:  93  Gifts:  84

Oct 17 – Happy Halloween JV Giveaway
Contributors: 107  Gifts:  80

Oct 17 – Ultimate October Giveaway
Contributors:  126  Gifts:  58

Oct 19 – Help Yourself Giveaway
Contributors:  94  Gifts:  78

Oct 22 – Scary Good Giveaway
Contributors:  28  Gifts:  37

Oct 24 – Knowledge is Power Giveaway
Contributors:  62  Gifts:  58

Oct 24 – Marketing Frenzy Giveaway
Contributors:  104  Gifts:  106

* Oct 25 – The Halloween Giveaway
Contributors:  828  Gifts:  78

Oct 28 – Mid Autumn Giveaway
Contributors:  76  Gifts:  69

Oct 28 – Guy Fawkes Night Giveaway 2011
Contributors:  33  Gifts:  35

Nov 7 – Autumn 2011 Giveaway
Contributors:  13  Gifts:  8

* Recommended

You can find a complete listing of upcoming giveaways on the events calendar at JV Giveaway Tactics:


New JV Giveaway Events – December 9, 2010

As we are getting well into December get ready for a whole bunch of new holiday giveaway events.

The biggest event to take notice of is Guido Nussbaum’s “New Year Giveaway“. This is always one of the most popular events of the year is definitely one you don’t want to miss.

The Apsense Countdown giveaway event is continuing to kick a lot of butt and it hasn’t even launched yet.

This month I also decided to recommend Christmas Greetings Giveaway.  This event is being run on a custom script so it’s not like all the other events. It seems to be the owners have done some extra work on their site to make
this event worth checking out.

With that out of the way…

Here is the latest list of upcoming JV giveaway events that are seeking contributors as of December 9, 2010.

JV Giveaway Events

Dec 11 – The Seven Dollar Giveaway
Contributors: 272  Gifts: 270

*Dec 13 – Apsense Countdown
Contributors: 727  Gifts: 61

*Dec 13 – Christmas Greetings Giveaway
Contributors: ?  Gifts: 14

Dec 13 – Merry Christmas JV Giveaway
Contributors: 355  Gifts: 251

Dec 16 – Queen Bee JV
Contributors: 194  Gifts: 135

Dec 17 – Seasons Greetings Giveaway
Contributors: 242  Gifts: 153

Dec 17 – The Merry Christmas Giveaway
Contributors: 45  Gifts: 20

*Jan 1 – The New Year Giveaway
Contributors: 458  Gifts: 26


You can find a complete listing of upcoming giveaways on the events calendar at:

card1 med2 New JV Giveaway Events – November 9, 2010

Guido Nussbaum’s Halloween Giveaway

It never fails.

Yesterday I updated my list of new JV giveaway events that are looking for contributors.  Today I find out that the greatest giveaway event of the season is getting ready to launch.

Time to update my calendar again!

The big event i’m talking about is Guido Nussbaum’s annual Halloween Giveaway.

Every year there are two major giveaways that I look forward to.  Guido’s Halloween Giveaway and Guido’s Easter Giveaway.  Obviously the Easter one is still a ways off but Halloween is right around the corner!

In case you don’t know these giveaways are massive list building events that attract marketers from all across the industry.  We are looking for people to contribute free giveaway products to the event.  In exchange you will be allowed to add your squeeze page to the list of people contributing.

When the Halloween Giveaway launches at the end of the month there will be thousands of new users swarming into the event looking for free gifts and hopefully subscribing to your list to get yours.

The Halloween Giveaway launches October 28th.

If you have a free gift and want to see your squeeze page listed in the event create your free account now!

Click Here to Join the Halloween Giveaway