ClickTrackProfit vs TEProfits

Happy Monday!

I received a comment yesterday on one of my earlier posts about ClickTrackProfit asking if promoting CTP would conflict with their efforts to promote TEProfits.  The same topic came up earlier last week in a TELive and I thought it was worth discussing here.

Just so you know ClickTrackProfit and TEProfits are both essentially downline builders that target the traffic exchange industry.  Both programs have excellent online training and both can be used to build your TrafficWave downlines.

I think the biggest difference between the two programs is that TEProfits puts more emphasis on using TrafficWave to build your list than ClickTrackProfit does.  There are multiple squeeze pages within the TEProfits members area that you can promote as well as a 25 part email series that can automatically be loaded into your TrafficWave account.  If you are new to list building and want an easy system to help you get started then I highly recommend checking out TEProfits.

ClickTrackProfit on the other hand was designed to be super simple.  Although there is video training on how to use TrafficWave inside the members area the system itself revolves around creating your own custom splash page that you can promote in traffic exchanges to bring new members into the program.

Here’s my CTP splash page that I literally made in about 30 seconds:

By advertising that link on the recommended traffic exchanges my hits are automatically tracked and when I have received enough traffic I can unlock additional features on the ClickTrackProfit website.  It’s actually pretty neat.

ClickTrackProfit uses Adkreator to create your splash page.  If you wanted to you could turn your splash page into a squeeze page by adding your own autoresponder code to Adkreator.  That would allow you to build your list and promote the CTP system at the same time.  Unfortunately at this time there are no official CTP autoresponder emails to accompany your page so you would be responsible for creating those yourself.

I should probably also mention that if you are not into list building you can promote TEProfits with their splash pages and benefit from just using it as a downline builder.  In that sense TEProfits and ClickTrackProfit are both very similar.

So to answer my reader’s question…  if you are already using TEProfits to build your list then you are probably better off just continuing to do what you are doing.  Yes, you can use ClickTrackProfit to build your list but it will take a little extra work on your part create all of your emails from scratch.

If the list building stuff is still over your head and you are just looking for a simple system to get more traffic and make money then ClickTrackProfit is a great place to start.  There are videos that lead your step-by-step through the system and the whole thing is very easy to setup.

What do you think?  ClickTrackProfit or TEProfits?


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6 thoughts on “ClickTrackProfit vs TEProfits”

  1. I belong to both programs and have found CTP much easier to promote. Maybe that’s because it’s still so shiny and new.
    One key difference I would like to mention is that after joining CTP you must join all the programs inside if you want to move on. That is huge in my book. Downline builders are everywhere, but this one ensures that you will get referrals in all the programs available. I love that!

  2. I have signed up for both programs, and from my experience, they both are great, but I never had much success personally promoting a system like that.

    I always create my own everything which stands out from the crowd completely, even if I am promoting the exact same program as someone else (such as GDI or Global NPN).

    If I had to choose… Probably TE Profits, only because I am huge on list building and the email series is proven to convert!

    Gabriel Johansson

  3. Hey Jerry, having some great weather down here @ Lake of the Ozarks!

    I am still putting together my promotions. It has been years since I used traffic exchanges.
    I tried TEProfits back then and the cost of the auto responder service was a little much for my pocket.

    Scott was is a great person so, if I was to get back into the TE’s I would use TE Profits just because I know him.

    On the other hand, I also love writing my own stuff. Hmmm? Which 1?

  4. I am definitely in favor of people writing their own emails… but TE Profits is a great system to recommend to people who don’t want to.

  5. Hi I love Teprofits but I have a mayor problem with program owner who does not pay out within 3 days of request.Scott now says allow 10 days for payment ???????????????

    What nonsense is this ? Lst month he paid me within 3 days fair enough month before over a week now its been 4 days ??? Iam thinking about dumping him and promoteing ClickTrackprofit .I don’t want to do this but cash flow is important and I have brought in over 314 signups to Teprofits so I expect to be paid promptly. I welcome your take on this matter.

  6. Hey Steve.

    10 days doesn’t seem like very long to me.

    I can remember when most sites were at least 30 days to take into account refunds.

    How long is Clickbank? Aweber? TrafficWave?

    For me I think it’s more important that TE Profits does pay and it has a trusted admin. I don’t mind waiting a few extra days to get my money as long as I get it.


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