The Best Safelists for November 2012

Hello and welcome to November!

This is the place to find out what is going on in the world of safelists and viral list builders and see which sites are bringing me the best results.

The big news last month was the relaunch of List Joe.

List Joe was the biggest and baddest viral list builders for many years.  Earlier this year List Joe suffered a major database loss and had to be shut down.  Now it’s back with a brand new design and all new features.  So far my results with the new List Joe have been great.  You can view my stats below.  If you are not a member of the new List Joe yet please sign-up now.

That’s about it for news.  Let’s get to the stats…

Here’s how it works.  Every day I promote a series of lead capture pages to 30-40 different safelists and viral list builders.  My lead capture pages promote my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics.  I use a free link tracking service (TE Toolbox) to keep track of which safelists and viral list builders are bringing me the most sign-ups.  I then share those stats here on my blog every month.

Please keep in mind that these stats are the results of my own marketing efforts.  I have upgraded memberships on most safelists and viral list builders which usually allow me to send my ads more often and to more people.  Your results may vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
State of the Art Mailer 3144 63.00% 16 0.51%
List Joe 1604 72.00% 15 0.94%
Viral URL 55 89.00% 15 27.27%
List Bonus 1881 63.00% 14 0.74%
List Outbreak 807 49.00% 12 1.49%
Viral Nugget 2703 58.00% 12 0.44%
List Adventure 1486 47.00% 10 0.67%
Bweeble 3036 68.00% 10 0.33%
Adchiever 3678 56.00% 9 0.24%
Viral Ad Store 1134 54.00% 4 0.35%
TopTierMailer 1179 58.00% 4 0.34%
European Safelist 872 40.00% 3 0.34%
Viral Mail Profits 277 68.00% 3 1.08%
List Surfing 746 66.00% 3 0.40%
Viral List Builder Plus 2702 49.00% 3 0.11%

Total October sign-ups from all safelists and viral list builders (including those not listed here): 152

Next month I am going to switch things up and start promoting my own safelist (Mister Safelist) instead of my ebook.  We’ll see if that brings my stats up or knocks them back down.

Remember the stats I have listed above are provided to show which safelists and viral list builders are currently working best for me.  What works best for you might be something entirely different.  The only way to find out what works best for you is to track your own ads.  You can get the same link tracker that I use to track my ads from TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics

The Best Safelists for September 2012

Is it September already?

August really seemed to fly by.  Now it’s time to get busy and see what safelists and viral list builders have been giving me the best results lately.

The big news from last month was the re-launch of Darren Olander‘s viral list builder and advertising tool Viral Nugget.  I don’t have a full month of stats to share yet but so far the results have been very good.  Darren is well known for creating powerful advertising sites and it looks like Viral Nugget will be no exception.

I’ve been dropping mailers left and right that use the LFMVM script.  The thrill is gone!  A month of clicking every day for 1 or 2 sign-ups just isn’t worth my time.  The major exception is Max Mailer Pro from William Brant.  William did some major revisions to the standard script and the results speak for themselves.  This should be a lesson for anyone thinking about launching a cookie cutter website to spend some time and money to make you site as good as it can be.

The final thing I want to say before getting to the stats is this… Bweeble!  You’ll understand why in a minute.

If this is your first time here this is how my safelist stats work.  Every day I submit ads promoting a series of lead capture pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics.  I currently submit to 35-40 different safelists and viral list builders.  I track my ads using TE Toolbox and share the top 15 sites that brought me the most subscribers here on my blog.  I am upgraded in most of these safelists and viral list builders which often gives me the ability to send more ads to more people.  These stats are meant to serve as a guide to show what is currently working best for me.  Your results may vary.

Here we go…

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
Bweeble 5734 70.00% 52 0.91%
Max Mailer Pro 4351 41.00% 22 0.51%
The Lead Magnet 1114 46.00% 15 1.35%
List Bonus 2054 63.00% 15 0.73%
List Outbreak 904 53.00% 15 1.66%
Viral Nugget 1022 64.00% 14 1.37%
Viral URL 39 85.00% 12 30.77%
Viral List Builder Plus 2363 46.00% 12 0.51%
Instant List Empire 477 47.00% 10 2.10%
EZ Profit List 487 53.00% 10 2.05%
List Adventure 1376 48.00% 9 0.65%
TopTierMailer 1598 59.00% 9 0.56%
State of the Art Mailer 2911 62.00% 8 0.27%
Adchiever 3531 61.00% 8 0.23%
Elite Safelist 2553 40.00% 7 0.27%

Total new sign-ups from all safelists and viral list builders (including those not listed here): 277

So much for the “summer slow down” theory.

Seriously… Bweeble!  I don’t know what else I can say here.  52 new subscribers in one month is just ridiculous for something I have been promoting for so long.  If you are not taking advantage of Bweeble yet you are missing out on some great traffic.   If you can afford the yearly upgrade grab it!  Offers like this don’t come around very often.

Everything else looks to be in line.  Max Mailer Pro is clearly the best of the new LFMVM sites.  The Lead Magnet seems to go up and down for me every month but is consistently one of the top ranked mailers.  List Bonus is owned by the same guys who created Bweeble so no surprise to see it is still bringing in tons of sign-ups too.

That should do it for this month.  Hopefully I will have a new launch to announce very soon.  As always keep in mind that the stats above are the results of my own marketing efforts.  What works best for you might be something entirely different.  The only way to know for sure is to track your own results.  You can get the same link tracker that I use for free at TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics



The “Secret” to 173 Sign-ups in 30 days

Safelists don’t work.

I have heard this more than a few times.

When I posted my monthly safelist stats a few days ago I mentioned that I had received 173 new subscribers last month from all of the safelists and viral list builders that I use.  One of my readers found that hard to believe.

“Tell me how on earth did you ever recruit 173 people in one month on Safelists. You must have sent the Mafia out after them. In ten years I don’t think I got five. And of those only one ever did anything. What’s your secret?”

While I share most of this information freely and with more detail in my book Safelist Marketing Tactics I thought a quick summary of how I promote with safelists would be helpful.

1. I email every day.  Every day!  Or at least as often as I can.

2. I read other emails to earn credits… every day!

3. I use a lot of safelists.  Probably way too many.

4. I only use credit-based safelists.

5. I track my ads.  This tells me exactly which safelists are working for me and which ones are a waste of time.

6. I upgrade at the best safelists.

7. I promote something targeted to safelist users.  It probably doesn’t get more targeted than my ebook about safelist marketing.

8. I use eye-catching subjects.  I’ve studied what subjects other marketers use and I have tested dozens of my own to find out which emails get opened more often.

9. I personalize my emails.  I use the [FIRST_NAME] macro whenever it is available and try to include the name of the safelist in the body of the email.

10. I write short emails.  The goal is to just make them curious before they look at my site.

11. I promote unique splash/squeeze pages that I either made myself or had made for me.  Promoting a generic affiliate page is the best way to be ignored.

12. I use personal branding.  If someone sees my face long enough they may start to think I actually know what I am talking about.

13. I use autoplaying videos on some of my ads.  Why?  Because they work.

14. I use a rotator to show a variety of ads.  This is good for testing and can help you to keep your ads fresh.

If you are not using a rotator or link tracker you can get those at TE Toolbox.

As you can see there is no one “secret” to how I got 173 sign-ups last month using safelists and viral list builders.  It’s just a bunch of little things that add up over time.

There’s probably a bunch of other things I could be doing to improve my results more.  Anybody got some tips and tricks they want to share?  C’mon.. no secrets!

 Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics

ThumbVu Raises the Bar on Personal Branding

I do love me some personal branding.


This is a very competitive business.  Anything you can do to give yourself an advantage and make your sites get noticed will make a big difference.  One of the easiest ways to do this is to personalize your business with your own unique brand.

Your unique personal brand can be your own picture.

It doesn’t get any more unique than that.

The guys at TimTech know this and have been championing the idea of personal branding for years.  Now they have taken personal branding to a new level with the relaunch of their ThumbVu traffic exchange.

The new ThumbVu design is clean and fresh and it offers a new concept in traffic exchange surfing.  Instead of viewing random websites for hours on end ThumbVu members are now presented with a list of other members giving you the option of choosing who’s website you want to view next.

This is a great opportunity to connect your personal brand with whatever you are promoting.

Members also have the ability to leave feedback on your pages.

ThumbVu Feedback

Do you think having this kind of feedback displayed every time your site is shown will help you get more sign-ups?

You bet it will.

Lots of people will be flocking to ThumbVu this week to check out all of the new changes.  If you are already a member now would be the perfect time to login and assign some credits to your sites (and to your personal brand).

If you’re not already a member of ThumbVu… what are you waiting for?

Click the banner below to join.

free manual traffic exchange
Click Here to Join ThumbVu

The Best Safelists for January 2012

Happy New Year!

Another year down and somehow I have managed to keep these safelist stats coming in every month.  It’s been almost two and a half years!  So I just wanted to thank you all for your support over the years.

I think the big news from last month was the launch of the new “List Hoopla” ranking service from the creator of Traffic HooplaList Hoopla ranks the top safelists and viral list builders every week.  How does that compare with what I do here?  List Hoopla uses a complex formula comparing traffic, conversions, bounce rate, and even how much they were paid in commissions.  I simply go by the number of sign-ups I received.  Not very scientific but I am a simple man.  While our rankings may not be identical comparing both lists should give you the best sampling of what safelists and viral list builders are producing the best results right now.

If you would like to receive your own List Hoopla page filled with your own affiliate IDs you can sign-up at the bottom of this page:

The top ranked site on List Hoopla this week is YourEZlist.  As you can see YourEZlist doesn’t appear on my list at all.  That’s because I wasn’t a member until a few days ago.  I’m in now and I look forward to comparing my stats next month.

Email Hog was hacked.  Most of their databases were corrupted so site has been down since mid December.  Quite a bummer since I had just joined and was already getting very good results.  They hope to have everything up and running again by Jan 15.

State of the Art Mailer has a referral contest going on until they reach 20,000 members.  I mention this only because I am in second place and I want to win!  Oh, they are also a great mailer and well worth the cost of the upgrade.  Now go join!

Ok, time for my stats…

Here’s how it works.  Every day I promote a series of squeeze pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics on 30-40 different safelists and viral list builders.  I use a link tracking service that shows me how many hits I receive from each mailer as well as how many new subscribers I received.  I should point out that I do have upgraded memberships on most of these sites which often allow me to send my ads to more members and more often.  I also spend time every day clicking emails for credits which allow me to send my ads to the maximum number of people as often as possible.  Your results may vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
Adchiever 2364 72.00% 16 0.68%
List Adventure 1567 58.00% 11 0.70%
Viral List Builder Plus 1153 59.00% 11 0.95%
Viral URL 31 97.00% 10 32.26%
Global Safelist 926 46.00% 8 0.86%
State of the Art Mailer 3183 72.00% 8 0.25%
Adsolutionline 2333 45.00% 7 0.30%
The Lead Magnet 897 56.00% 6 0.67%
List Joe 653 80.00% 6 0.92%
Adtactics 3426 25.00% 5 0.15%
Elite Safelist 2533 44.00% 5 0.20%
Viral Mail Profits 324 62.00% 5 1.54%
List Effects 339 54.00% 4 1.18%
Ultimate Profit List 1050 58.00% 3 0.29%
List Bonus 808 73.00% 3 0.37%

Total December sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 130

Kind of a crazy month.  I think I will let the numbers speak for themselves.

Don’t forget that these are my own personal stats based on my own marketing efforts.  I provide these stats only to show you what safelists and viral list builders are currently working best for me and to give you some suggestions for new mailers to try.  Your results may be completely different from mine.  The only way to determine which sites work best for you is to track your own stats.  You can get the same link tracker that I use for free from TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics