The Best Safelists for January 2012

Happy New Year!

Another year down and somehow I have managed to keep these safelist stats coming in every month.  It’s been almost two and a half years!  So I just wanted to thank you all for your support over the years.

I think the big news from last month was the launch of the new “List Hoopla” ranking service from the creator of Traffic HooplaList Hoopla ranks the top safelists and viral list builders every week.  How does that compare with what I do here?  List Hoopla uses a complex formula comparing traffic, conversions, bounce rate, and even how much they were paid in commissions.  I simply go by the number of sign-ups I received.  Not very scientific but I am a simple man.  While our rankings may not be identical comparing both lists should give you the best sampling of what safelists and viral list builders are producing the best results right now.

If you would like to receive your own List Hoopla page filled with your own affiliate IDs you can sign-up at the bottom of this page:

The top ranked site on List Hoopla this week is YourEZlist.  As you can see YourEZlist doesn’t appear on my list at all.  That’s because I wasn’t a member until a few days ago.  I’m in now and I look forward to comparing my stats next month.

Email Hog was hacked.  Most of their databases were corrupted so site has been down since mid December.  Quite a bummer since I had just joined and was already getting very good results.  They hope to have everything up and running again by Jan 15.

State of the Art Mailer has a referral contest going on until they reach 20,000 members.  I mention this only because I am in second place and I want to win!  Oh, they are also a great mailer and well worth the cost of the upgrade.  Now go join!

Ok, time for my stats…

Here’s how it works.  Every day I promote a series of squeeze pages for my ebook Safelist Marketing Tactics on 30-40 different safelists and viral list builders.  I use a link tracking service that shows me how many hits I receive from each mailer as well as how many new subscribers I received.  I should point out that I do have upgraded memberships on most of these sites which often allow me to send my ads to more members and more often.  I also spend time every day clicking emails for credits which allow me to send my ads to the maximum number of people as often as possible.  Your results may vary.

Hits Unique Signups Ratio
Adchiever 2364 72.00% 16 0.68%
List Adventure 1567 58.00% 11 0.70%
Viral List Builder Plus 1153 59.00% 11 0.95%
Viral URL 31 97.00% 10 32.26%
Global Safelist 926 46.00% 8 0.86%
State of the Art Mailer 3183 72.00% 8 0.25%
Adsolutionline 2333 45.00% 7 0.30%
The Lead Magnet 897 56.00% 6 0.67%
List Joe 653 80.00% 6 0.92%
Adtactics 3426 25.00% 5 0.15%
Elite Safelist 2533 44.00% 5 0.20%
Viral Mail Profits 324 62.00% 5 1.54%
List Effects 339 54.00% 4 1.18%
Ultimate Profit List 1050 58.00% 3 0.29%
List Bonus 808 73.00% 3 0.37%

Total December sign-ups from all mailers (including those not listed here): 130

Kind of a crazy month.  I think I will let the numbers speak for themselves.

Don’t forget that these are my own personal stats based on my own marketing efforts.  I provide these stats only to show you what safelists and viral list builders are currently working best for me and to give you some suggestions for new mailers to try.  Your results may be completely different from mine.  The only way to determine which sites work best for you is to track your own stats.  You can get the same link tracker that I use for free from TE Toolbox.

Safelist Marketing Tactics
Click here to receive a free copy of Safelist Marketing Tactics


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14 thoughts on “The Best Safelists for January 2012”

  1. Hey Jerry, thank you for the valuable content you provide. For a while, I’ve been thinking of making a splash or a banner stating, “Hey Jerry, quit calling me a knuckle head!”. Maybe I’m still a knuckle head! Either way, thank you for your service.

  2. Happy New Year Jerry

    I’m sure you’ll get great results at yourEZ List as I certainly have done.

    Oh, and the sites in listhoopla will certainly deliver traffic, but it’s up to your own tracking to determine what works best for you.


  3. I was searching for a safelist and I came across your post and I like your list. If I can get 5% of what you did for the month of December I would be very happy.

  4. Your results generally accurately reflect my own so I know I can count on your blog post when I’m looking to expand the reach of my email marketing, and I am thrilled to see my own Viral List Builder Plus as #2 on your list again this month, but would be even happier to see our results reach #1.

  5. You are well on your way to being #1 next month. That is unless Darren stages yet another come from behind victory with Adchiever again.

  6. Looks good. You need one more column though. How many total emails are sent out. This would give a true conversion rate to determine the effectiveness of each safelist.

  7. You just want to make more work for me, don’t you? That’s a great idea. I’ll add it to my “to do” list and hopefully try to make more time for it in the future.

  8. I like the idea of # of mailings.. but I think saying the volume sent to would be more useful.. for example sometimes you may mail to 3k, 2k, etc. By the end of the month what is the total sent for each list? Then you could also calculate a monthly CTR :D

  9. Sorry if this comment is “off topic” – I could not find a way to just send an email to you, Jerry. Point is, I have an eLearning product (developed in conjunction with a business that specialises in these and provides for major international pharma and other businesses) – but I don’t have internet marketing experience. My own background is in Manufacturing and Quality Management (MSc in Manufacturing; Diploma in Quality Management – plus many years of experience in industry) and this led me to developing the product.
    I know I could spend a lot of time and effort developing the additional skills I need for internet marketing – probably making plenty of mistakes along the way – but the question is: do (reputable!) internet marketers also simply “take on” products such as this on a simple income sharing basis as I see that this might be a far faster route to product sales growth

  10. Can you recommend a good site for building a multiple level downline toi email to? I need one where you only get like 5 or 7 emails from your upline. Not one where you mail to thousands but only mail to your refereals and their downline.

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