Now We’re Cooking With Gas!

I decided to give up on that other WordPress theme. It was so nice but it was just way too buggy. I don’t know how many hours I wasted uninstalling it and reinstalling it only to be constantly plagued with errors.

I settled on this theme instead called “HeyLucy”. Silly name, but after much searching it seems to have everything I want and is easy to read.

So today I have been digging into the widgets and plug-ins, which is really the whole reason why I want my own blog. I have installed 6 new plug-ins in the last 2 hours and I am really starting to like the look of my blog.

Now I just need some content!

Eh, I can do that later. Ideally I want to get Twitter and Tweet by Blog on here but I want to tweak a few more things before I dive into that. Not to mention I have a ton of other stuff I need to be doing. Plus, it’s Monday which means I am doing lights tonight so I probably won’t be as productive as I need to be today (or probably tomorrow if tonight is anything like last week). We’ll see how it goes.

My First Major WordPress Problem

I haven’t even gotten started with my new blog yet and I already ran into a major snag.

Like my new theme? It’s called “illacrimo” and I like it. I tried out a few others but so far I like this one the best. Hopefully it will still be installed when you read this.

So I have been trying to install the “askimet” plug-in to stop comment spam… not that I have had any comments yet but I thought that would be a good first plug-in to try. It worked fine until it asked for my WordPress API Key. Since this blog is run on my own server I don’t have a WordPress account (at least one that still works) so I had to register again. For some reason the sign-up form wasn’t working and I had to email support. They registered for me and I received my email confirmation link. That link didn’t work either. So I emailed support again and they fixed it. Swell, I am an official WordPress user!

I was very excited to get rid of the askimet error message that kept asking me for my API key so armed with my new key I headed straight for my WP Admin page.

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at…

Or something like that. WTF? Everything was working fine until I registered at

A few Google searches turned up showing this was a VERY common error message usually resulting in extra characters being placed at the end of one of the php files.

I just spent the last few hours editing php files and really getting to know my blog. Of course nothing worked. I traced it back to possibly being an issue with the illacrimo theme. All those php files looked fine so I was kinda stumped. I ended up just renaming the illacrimo folder, which temporarily made my blog vanish, but I was able to login to the admin area no problem. From there I just reselected the theme and now everything is working again.

Sorta.. I am noticing the error message is showing up on the right side of the screen under the “Save/Publish” links. Lame.

Oh well, hopefully it will go away or hopefully it’s not that serious.


PS – The damn thing didn’t let me save my post. I just switched to another theme. Glad I thought to copy the contents of this post first. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Hello World!


20 GOTO 10

Welcome to the blog of Jerry Iannucci!

I would be lying if I said this was my first blog.  To be honest I think this is my 3rd attempt at blogging.  I’m going to do my best to stay on top of this one and update it as often as I can.

What can you expect?  I will hopefully be updating this blog with Internet marketing tips, software and ebook reviews, and whatever personal stuff I have that fits in with the Internet marketing theme.

I am busy working on my Traffic Success Formula site right now so hopefully I can start posting more frequent updates in a few days.  For now I just wanted to get something up here so I can see how it looks.

So, thanks for reading and hopefully this will be the first of many posts to come.