ViralAdStore – Brand New Viral List Builder

Today this site got a shout-out on Jon Olson‘s Hit Exchange News.  So here’s my chance to say hello to all the HEN readers.  “Hey Everybody!”  I guess this also means I need to get my butt into gear and post a new update.

So what’s new?  Well, I have to admit I have been slacking quite a bit lately.  Maybe it’s the summer heat or that I have been staying up all night watching the Big Brother live feeds.  I do have a new project ready to start but as usual starting always seems to be the hardest part.

One thing worth mentioning was the launch of a new viral list builder last week called ViralAdStore.  It was created by the same guys who run List Auction and if you compare the scripts they look pretty similar.

If you have been reading the stats from my monthly advertising updates you will know that List Auction has been one of the best performing advertising sites that I use.  It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that after only a week ViralAdStore is right on track to performing as well if not better than List Auction.

The two sites are pretty similar.  List Auction‘s big feature is the ability to buy and sell credits in an open market.  That feature doesn’t exist in ViralAdStore.  Instead, ViralAdStore members have the ability to trade their credits in for other goodies such as ebooks, guaranteed visitors, top sponsor ads, and featured ads that rotate around the website.

ViralAdStore also has a “Jackpot” email that hasn’t been seen in any other viral list builders.  The first member to open the jackpot email wins the prize.  The person who referred that member also wins a matching jackpot prize.  That means the more people you refer the better your chances of winning the jackpot prize from one of your referrals.

Viral list builders are a lot like safelists except there is supposed to be a greater emphasis  on referring.  This usually involves building a downline through a matrix system which allows you to send out more emails.  In reality, it’s a lot harder than it sounds.  I dont think any of my viral list builders have made it passed the 2nd level.

ViralAdStore awards members who refer with special milestone bonuses.  Refer 5 active members and you can contact an additional 100 members each mailing.  Refer 10 active members and you can contact an additional 250 members each mailing.  Refer 20 active members and you can contact an additional 500 members each mailing.  That’s pretty sweet.

The commissions are nice too.  Free members earn 20% commissions and gold members earn 50% commissions on any purchases made by their referrals.  That means as a gold member you can earn up to $98.50 from a single referral.  Don’t think it can’t be done.  The OTOs on the site are converting extremely well for me.

Finally, let’s get to the stats.  I think I have done 3 or 4 mailings so far at ViralAdStore.  I am promoting my splash page for Safelist Marketing Tactics.  Obviously your results may vary but here’s what I have received so far:

Splash Page Hits – 732
Splash Page Clicks – 38
New Sign-ups – 17

Not bad.  In fact so far it is outperforming every other safelist I am using this month even though I think I only started using it a week and a half ago.

Unfortunately I am not real crazy about their banner ads.  I like to end most of my blog posts with a big graphic for a site but the ones for ViralAdStore are kinda small.  So, how about a text link?  If you would like to join the hottest new viral list builder on the planet… Click Here Now!

Best Places to Advertise – July Stats

Wow.  It’s been awhile since I have done one of these.

In case you are new here… I am an Internet marketer and I track my stats.  Every month I like to go back and look to see where all of my traffic is coming from and see which traffic sources are making me the most money.  Once I have that information I can know where to focus my advertising to make more money next month.  Neat, huh?

At the moment I am focusing on promoting my Safelist Marketing Tactics website.  Since I am mostly using free traffic sources I am promoting this splash page.

Just a quick disclaimer… these are my own personal stats.  I make no guarantees that my results will be the same as yours.  There are probably better places to advertise.  These are just a few sources that are working for me.

Ok, ready?


List Joe – Hits: 2,939  Clicks: 237  Sign-ups: 49
List Auction – Hits: 1,233  Clicks: 97  Sign-ups: 22
AdSolutionline – Hits: 2,793 Clicks: 100  Sign-ups: 15
Elite Safelist – Hits: 1,608  Clicks: 58  Sign-ups: 10
European Safelist – Hits: 950  Clicks: 34  Sign-ups: 10

No big surprises here.  My site is geared towards safelists so it makes sense that I would get a lot of sign-ups here.  List Joe has always been my top performer and it continues to get me the most sign-ups every month.

The only real surprise here is European Safelist.  I resisted  joining this site for years.  I decided to give it a shot last month.  The site doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles but it seems to be working better than a lot of more popular safelists.

Traffic Exchanges

Tezak Traffic Power – Hits: 3,083  Clicks: 87  Sign-ups: 23
Traffic Splash – Hits: 1,967  Clicks: 56  Sign-ups: 8
Dragon Surf – Hits: 3,170  Clicks: 48  Sign-ups: 8
I Love Hits – Hits: 4,137  Clicks: 58  Sign-ups: 6

Wow.  Tezak Traffic Power rocks!  This brand new traffic exchange has been breaking all sorts of records.  Definitely a good place to advertise your splash pages and lead capture pages to reach a large audience.

Text Ad Exchanges

Muscle Mail – Hits: 853  Clicks: 36  Sign-ups: 8

I gave up on text ad exchanges for awhile.  There’s just too many of them giving away too much free stuff to make them worth while.  I decided to try and give them another shot last month.  I joined about 20 text ad exchanges with over 1,000 members each.  The results… meh!  I got a few sign-ups but not enough to make it worth working with them every day.

Muscle Mail is the only text ad exchange that has continuously performed for me month after month.  Not sure why.  I guess it has been around longer than most text ad exchanges and targets a slightly different crowd.

That’s it!  I mean I had plenty of other sign-ups from random places but those are the big ones that you can use to promote your own splash pages and lead capture pages.

Make sure you track your results!  That’s the biggest mistake most new marketers make.  Knowing where your traffic and sign-ups are coming from is the easiest way to tailor your marketing campaigns to get the best results for your efforts.


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My Best Traffic Sources for Lead Capture Pages

What?  Oh yeah, apparently I still have a blog.  Sorry.  I’ve slacked off pretty hard on updates.  I had a good run for awhile but offline responsiblities have been taking up most of my time.  I want to at least keep these monthly stats coming to you but last month I missed recording them and one of the only major flaws with my tracker is the inability to pull stats from specific date ranges.

As usual, these stats are from my own efforts promoting a lead capture page for my ebook “Traffic Success Formula”.  Obviously, your results may not be the same as mine.

So, here we go…

Traffic Exchanges
Mythology Surf – 15
BootScootin’Traffic – 11
Traffic Splash – 8
ts25 – 8
ILoveHits – 5

Ok, I probably spent less than an hour actually surfing traffic exchanges last month so those results are actually much better than I would have expected.  Nice to know I can take some time off and still get residual traffic and sign-ups from the work I did a few months ago.

ListJoe – 35
Elite Safelist – 14
Newage Safelist – 13
AdTactics – 8
List Auction – 8
Global Safelist – 8

I may not have had time to surf the traffic exchanges but I did a good job up keeping up with my daily safelist mailings.  ListJoe is at the top of the list as always but I was surprised to see relatively smaller safelists like Elite Safelist and Newage Safelist performing so well.

Text Ad Echanges
Traffic Swarm – 22
Maximum Profits – 7

I have virtually killed off using all of my text ad exchanges.  Traffic Swarm has always been a winner but if you are looking to try one of the many text ad exchanges out there then Maximum Profits is worth a shot giving me 7 verified sign-ups last month.

JV Giveaways
Daddy’s Birthday Giveaway – 46

There haven’t been many giveaway events lately that have been worth joining.  Obviously Daddy’s Birthday Giveaway was a winner but I think the doors are closing on that one tomorrow and so far I don’t have a replacement.  If you grab a free copy of my ebook top of the page I will be sure to send you an update when the next hot new jv giveaway event launches which, in my opinion, is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get sign-ups while doing the least amount of work.

Ok, that about covers it for this month.  I’ll try to post more often when I have the time and content worth sharing.  If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to post them below.

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Best Places to Advertise – December Stats

Sorry, I am late again.

I know this is a pretty popular feature on this blog but unfortunately there isn’t a whole lot to report this month.  I spent a good chunk of December traveling and doing light shows around the midwest so I didn’t have as much time to spend promoting as I normally do.  Still, i’ll give you what I got.

The following stats come from promoting my own “Traffic Success Formula” ebook which was created to show people how to take advantage of free advertising programs to promote their business.  These are just some of the places I used for advertising during the month of December 2008.

Traffic Exchanges
As I said, I didn’t have a whole lot of time to surf in December so I didn’t get much TE traffic in December.  I did purchase a few credit packages and had plenty of residual traffic coming from my downlines and from credits I had left over from previous months.  Still, here’s my top traffic exchanges:

1. Dragon Surf – 8
2. Traffic Splash – 6
3. ILoveHits – 3

Not real impressive, is it?  Don’t worry.  As soon as I get caught up with some other things I am working on I plan to spend the rest of the month surfing my butt off.  Hopefully I will have some better number for you at the end of January.  In the mean time, see how the top 20 traffic exchanges are ranked over at Affiliate Funnel.

I did mange to keep up with my safelist advertising in December but I decided to switch gears a little bit and promote my top money making program (OBA) instead so that I would have some extra money this month to spend on advertising.  I earned an extra $100 just from safelists but since I was promoting an affiliate site I didn’t track where all the sales were coming from.  Sorry.

If you want to know which safelists I get the best results from check out the links on the side of my blog.

Text Ad Exchanges
Ok, it’s offical.  Text ad exchanges are dead!  Well, maybe not all of them but over the last few months I have seen my conversions in text ad exchanges skyrocket and now plummet back to the earth like a sack of potatoes.  The problem is that there are now so many new text ad exchanges opening up that nobody is bothering to stick around long enough to actually use them.

For example, earlier today I counted over 300 text ad exchanges that are giving away promo codes for new members.  These promo codes can be exchanged for solo ads, banner ads, or text ads on the exchanges.  The problem is who is going to stick around long enough to actually read your ads for credits when there are that many exchanges giving away ads for free?

And the quality of the exchanges have dropped considerably too.  I saw a site offering to sell people their own text ad exchange for less than $10/month.  That means over the next few months you are going to start seeing hundreds of new cookie cutter text ad exchanges running on servers that make my old trs-80 look like a speed demon.

I just finished putting almost all of my text ad exchange accounts on “vacation mode” to stop receiving emails from them.  Still, there are a few that are worth keeping.  Mainly because they continue to produce good results or I know the owners are working hard to build their exchanges.  Here’s what’s left:

Traffic Swarm
Maximum Profits
Traffic Station
Muscle Mail

If you want to recommend some to me that are worth joining please post a comment and I will test them out.

JV Giveaway Events
JV Giveaways were once again my top source for getting sign-ups in December mainly because they take so little effort to promote.  The “Merry Christmas” giveaway got me 28 new referrals and so far this month’s “New Year” giveaway has gotten me 57 new sign-ups.

Unfortunately JV giveaways events can be a little tricky when determining which ones to join.  If you want to know which giveaways to join your best bet is to sign-up on my email list at the top of the page (check the free ebook) and I will email you when a good event is launching.

That’s all for now.  If you have any comments or want to recommend other sources of advertising please feel free to leave a comment.

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November LCP Sign-up Stats

Sorry I am late.

Been pretty busy in the real world lately but I wanted to make sure I put up my stats from last month which seems to be one of the more popular features on this blog.

I’ve been doing this “list building” thing for the past few months with my own “Traffic Success Formula” ebook. Results have been very good so far but I am constantly tweaking the splash pages and OTOs trying to make them better.

If you would like to make money building your own list online I highly recommend you get a copy of “Internet Marketing Success Formula” which shows you exactly how to build a profitable email list.

Traffic Exchanges
I have been promoting with traffic exchanges for close to 5 years now and they are also the focus of the “Traffic Success Formula” book I am giving away. Unfortunately I didn’t have as much time as usual to work them this month as I normally do. As a result the numbers are a bit lower than normal but here are the top 3 sites that produced the most sign-ups for me last month:

BootScootin’Traffic – 19
Traffic Roundup – 11
SWAT Traffic – 9

A few surprises here. BootScootin’Traffic is a relatively new exchange but consistently manages to bring me new sign-ups every month.

Absent this month is ts25 and Traffic Splash. Both have been top producers for me in the past but I just haven’t had the time to surf them lately. After the holidays are over I will be sure to get back on these exchanges to get my numbers back up where they should be.

Remember when safelists used to suck? Not anymore. The new credit based safelists work as well as if not better than traffic exchanges and don’t require as much effort (just a really large inbox).

Here’s are November’s top producing safelists for me:

List Joe – 56
List Auction – 20
Business World List – 12
Adsolution – 12
Elite Safelist – 9
Adtactics – 9

No surprise that the list builders “List Joe” and “List Auction” are at the top of the list again. The big surprise is “Business World List“. BWL is not a credit based safelist. It’s an old-school blast your ad to a few hundred thousand people and hope for the best. I decided to revisit this site on a whim and it is actually producing results. Guess you never know how well a site is going to convert until you actually try it.

Text Ad Exchanges
Wow. The number of text ad exchanges has totally exploded over the last few months. It is getting hard to find any new exchanges that offer something other than the typical cookie cutter site. Fortunately, they still produce sign-ups but it is starting to get tricky trying to figure out which new text ad exchanges are worth joining.

Here’s what has worked best for me last month:

Traffic Swarm – 22
Maximum Profits – 9
Traffic Station – 7
AdExchangers – 5
Muscle Mail – 4

No surprise that Traffic Swarm is at the top of the list again. However I believe Maximum Profits and Traffic Station are new to the list. Not phenomenal numbers but still pretty good.

JV Giveaway Events
JV Giveaways are my most recent obsession when it comes to list building. Why? Because the results are incredible. One event, which is about to close, produced 85 new sign-ups for me last month. 85 sign-ups for sending out 2 emails to my list! Very impressive.

I am a little bit behind trying to pick out what is going to be the next must-join giveaway event. I will surely post something here when I find it. In the meantime you can get a list of all upcoming JV giveaway events by clicking here.

That’s it for this month. As usual these are all my personal results with these advertising sources. Your results my differ from my own. In fact, they probably will differ but hopefully you will find a few more resources here that you haven’t tried yourself.

All stats are provided to me by HitsConnect. If you aren’t tracking your ads, how will you ever know what works? Sign-up for your own HitsConnect tracker by clicking the image below.

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