Safelist Marketing Tactics is 1-Year Old!

Hello!  I’m back.  Sorry I have been kinda quiet lately but I have been busy putting together some new projects while I will be announcing very soon.

For example… You might have noticed that over the last year I have been working very hard to brand myself as “the safelist guy” and it all started with a little ebook and website that I created called “Safelist Marketing Tactics“.

Well, it’s been 1-year since I released SMT so I thought now would be the perfect time for a relaunch of Safelist Marketing Tactics!

I have a bunch of new stuff that I just finished adding.  Feel free
to drop and and check it out:

Here’s what is new…

New Content

Since first writing Safelist Marketing Tactics over a year ago I have continued
to learn new and more effective ways to market with safelists.  I’ve now updated the book to include more current content including more submission strategies, more information about vial list builders, and a few changes to the recommended programs list.

Squeeze Pages

Upgraded members will now have the ability to upload a photo and submit their autoresponder code to create their own personalized squeeze page (created by the great Winter Perkins).

There’s also a 5-part email series which you can use to promote your own programs that also encourages upgrades at the SMT website.

New Promo Material

I updated the “Thank You” ad.  I hated the old one.  This one is much better.

I also added a few new promo emails which have been converting well for me lately.

New “One Time Offer”

I updated the OTO page to include some really nice video packages included which I think will convert really well with new safelist marketers.

I also reset the OTO for the first time since I launched the site.  Considering it’s been a year since I reset the OTO you might want to pay attention the next time you see it.  I may never reset it again.

Referral Contest

Why not?

The person who signs-up the most upgraded members to the Safelist  Marketing Tactics website before the end of July 15 will win… (drum roll)…

One Hundred Dollars!

I’ll be posting daily updates of the contest inside the members area.

So that’s it!

If you are already a member of Safelist  Marketing Tactics I thank you for all the support and positive and feedback I have received over the past year.  Please login now to check out all the new features.  I think you’ll enjoy it.

If you’re not a member yet… what are you waiting for?  It’s free and it’s better than ever.  Click the image below to grab your free copy of Safelist  Marketing Tactics.

 The Best Safelists for February 2010

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