How To Poll Your Niche Market

A few weeks ago I posted an article called “How To Choose A Niche Product People Want To Buy”. If you missed it just click here now.

I mentioned that it is a good idea to poll your niche market to find out what they are willing to buy before you go out and create a product that nobody wants.

Here’s how to poll your niche market:

1. First you need to setup a web page where your visitors will go to fill out a survey.  You can find a good polling script at  You can also do it manually by having people email you but that is much more time consuming and doesn’t really have the same effect response wise

2. Make your poll very simple.  You do not want to ask 50 questions that some of your market may not have answers for. If you do that, they simple won’t fill it out, or they will fill it out falsely. You want to keep it simple enough so that all of the market you are aiming at can do it, but you also want to get enough information out of them for the venture to be a success.

Here are some sample ideas of questions you can ask:

… In the next 3 months, what would you most likely purchase
… How much money are you willing to spend on this
… What is the main problem that you have with “ABC”

3. Create a free report on the topic that you feel your target market is most interested in. Do some quick research and write an essay, or summarize a certain subject. This free report is going to be the reason why people are filling out your survey in the first place. If you do not have anything to give them for their participation, then they most likely won’t participate.

4. Find a newsletter that offers solo mailings. You will get much better results if you do this kind of survey with solo mailings. Actually, your best bet is to send it to your own mailing list but if you don’t already have a list of people in your niche then it is better to spend a few dollars to promote your survey with a solo mailing.

5. Your solo ad simply needs to be about getting a free report if they click on your link. The link takes them to the survey page that gives a short explanation of how all they need to do to get the free report is to fill out this short survey.

A few tips with creating your poll…
a.. Do not have any of the options already checked. This will create false results as people will just click the “submit” button quickly and not even change the “already checked” results.

b.. Make sure and have “None of the above” options for each question. All of your products ideas might not be bought by anybody, and if you do not have “none of the above” options, then you would never know and you could still possibly end up creating something that nobody wants.

c.. No fancy designs. Have your webpage that hosts the poll on it, simply for hosting the poll. No need for fancy, flashy designs and links going to several different places. Just have your poll and that is it. After you have done the above, tally up the results and begin designing the product you are going to create. Usually, you will see the results are pretty one sided. The majority of people will have picked the same options, which is what you want.

If the results show that everything is pretty equal, then pick the option that you are most comfortable with creating. If the majority of the results show “None of the above” answers, then create different questions and poll them again.

Polling your target market is much easier to do that it sounds. Just follow the instructions watch the results.

If you would like more details about how to make money with niche products check out Niche Profit Formula by clicking the link below.

Niche Profit Formula
Click Here to read Niche Profit Formula

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