
Who is Jerry Iannucci?

I am originally from Bridgeport, CT but I have been living in St. Louis, MO. since I was 20.

I got my first computer when I was 10 years old. It was a TRS-80 Color Computer Model 1 (CoCo) from Radio Shack. I got my first 300 baud modem about a year later. I am pretty sure I can type faster than that thing could transmit data.  I’ve been a computer/Internet addict ever since.

In 1996 I landed a dream job working at one of the first Internet marketing companies. I was mostly in charge of link building for our clients which meant I got to spend a lot of time surfing and figuring out the best ways to find things on the Internet. While working with major clients from around the world I also helped to develop the first retail search engine submissions software. It was pretty horrible by today’s standards but it got the job done.

In 2002 I started working from home promoting affiliate websites. I stumbled on quite a few business opportunity scams but eventually found my way. It took awhile to get started but with a little time and a lot of research it has been a very rewarding experience so far.

When I am not sitting in front of my computer you can often find me doing concert lighting for bands around St. Louis.   I don’t make much money doing lighting but it is a lot of fun and gets me away from my computer for a little while.

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2 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hey John,

    Currently, the script doesn’t support transferring credits to members outside your downline. However, if you need a one-time transfer, I can handle that for you. If you’re looking to do this regularly, I’d need to write some new code to make it possible. Feel free to reach out if you have more questions!


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