TE Profits Gets a Relaunch

The secret to making money on the Internet can be summed up in one simple formula:

Traffic + Conversion = Income

Easy, right?

And yet most people still struggle to make any real money online.

So what’s the problem?

You probably already know how to get the traffic.  If you’re using traffic exchanges you can easily generate a few thousand hits to your sites every day with very little effort.

The problem is the conversion.

Most people can’t figure out how to turn their traffic into cash.  They waste all of their time mindlessly clicking away and end up earning little or no money for their trouble.

What you need is a system that can convert your traffic into cash which is easy to setup and can generate long-term residual income.

One of the only online systems I have been able to find which can do this is called “TE Profits“.

I have been a member of TE Profits for at least two years.  If you have surfed at any of the major traffic exchanges in the last few years you’ve probably seen their splash pages.. many of them include a picture of the owner Scott Douglas (aka “The Dragonfly”).

I admit haven’t promoted TE Profits much because although I think the system is brilliant, the website I guess was just a little bit too confusing for new members which I think made it harder for them to see the forest though the trees.

About a week ago Scott Douglas contacted me and showed me the “new” TE Profits website that he has been working on.

What a difference!

The new TE Profits website is now so much easier to use.  Anybody can sign-up for this system and start putting Scott’s proven money making system to work for them today.

Scott just gave me the “thumbs up” that the new site is now open and ready for sign-ups!

You can join right here:


You will probably see me promoting this a lot more in the future.  I am a big fan of both Scott Douglas and TE Profits so I have no problem with recommending him or his program to anyone looking for ways to make money online.

Click Here to Join TE Profits

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5 thoughts on “TE Profits Gets a Relaunch”

  1. Tried this before, but was too involved for my needs. Could be a great system for affiliate marketers who do not have their own website, blog and email marketing systems

  2. I have been doing traffic exchanges for a long time, but not really making money with them. Just like your post says – I get traffic, but no income. So hopefully TEProfits will be what I need.

  3. Jerry,

    I was in TEProfits back in 2009 but life knocked me out of the saddle and I am just now trying to determine whether to re-join.

    I market products online and am excited about a new program called ThatFreeThing.

    Instead of just hopping into business with a random person, I thought I’d search for someone who would reciprocate memberships.

    It’s not bribery, just good business. At least that’s how I view it.

    Would you be interested in at least looking at my site?

    If we can agree that we’re both interested, great. If not, then we’re right back where we were to start with.

    Make sense?

    If you think it’s worth a shot, my site http://www.MoneyWithCoupons.com has a link there for “ThatFreeThing”.

    Let me know what you think, please.

    Kurt Gross

  4. Hey Kurt.

    I have been thinking about your offer but I think I am going to pass. I just can’t get behind ThatFreeThing. It’s not that I think it’s bad or anything… the concept just doesn’t interest me.

  5. Hello
    My name is Dan Watson
    I had a few quick questions about TE Profits for you.
    I ran across your post while I was surfing for information on this program. I have to say you did a great job! :)
    Anyway, let me know if its ok for me to shoot you a few questions about your experience in the company.

    Thanks in advance!

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