How to Launch a Membership Site – Part 2

After a week of no responses from my graphic designer I finally got an email from him today.  Seems the email he thought he sent me last week never got sent.  The good news is that I got to see the first draft of my new website.  Other than my last name being spelled wrong on every image (oops) I have to admit it’s pretty freakin awesome.  About a bazillion percent better than what I could have come up with on my own.  It’s amazing what a difference it makes when you hire a professional to do the work for you.

Now that I know what my site is going to look like I don’t really have an excuse for putting off the rest of the project any longer.

Well, maybe a little longer.  First things first.. I need a to-do list!

Here’s what i’ve come up with…

1. Update my blog with my to-do list.  CHECK!

2. Work on the sales page – This one is probably going to suck because it is the most important part.  Gotta come up with a killer headline and subheading as well as a bunch of bullet points for a book I haven’t written.  Should be fun.

3. Create some OTOs -I already have a pretty good idea of what I want to sell in my OTOs.  I will probably need to talk to some JV partners to see if they want to contribute anything.  Also gonna to have to figure out how to price everything.  Also not entirely sure how to tie them all in with the LFM site.

4. Configure Launch Formula Marketing – I registered my domain name today so I should be able to install the membership script on my new site now.  Not sure how much configuring I am going to have to do.  I played around with LFM-Lite and it was pretty easy.  I just don’t know how much more there is in the full version but it should be a lot of fun setting it up.

5. Create Affiliate Marketing Tools – Once LFM is installed I will have to write some email ads and signature files for my affiliate to use when promoting the site.  I love the idea of hundreds of affiliates using my ads to promote my site.

6. Write autoresponder emails – Most of these I can copy over from my other email list.  This will be a good opportunity to tweak them, drop the ones that aren’t converting, and add some new ones that I know convert well.

7. Write Ebook – Oh yeah, I still don’t have a product.  No sweat.  I am intentionally saving this for last.  Am I crazy for doing it that way?  We shall see.

Hopefully that’s all I need to do.  Should be an interesting to see how smoothly it goes.

More to come…