The Best Safelists for February 2010

It just occurred to me that putting the name of the previous month in the title of these posts make them appear outdated the second I post them.  So from now on I will be using last month’s stats to look forward at all the safelists I will be focusing on in the current month.

And it couldn’t have come at a better time because frankly last month sucked.  Not so much for the safelists but for my own productivity.  You can tell just by looking at how many times I updated my blog last month.  I spent yesterday doing absolutely nothing in preparation for being extra productive today.  Considering this is my second post of the day I guess that good but I had also planned on having this done at least 6 hours ago so maybe not so good.

Safelist news!  Oh boy we had finally had some excitement around here.  Usually not much usually happens in this industry but a few months ago some scum bag named Andrew Baxter thought it was be a good idea to create a software product that allows people to cheat credit based safelists.  Basically this software downloads all your safelist emails and clicks all the credit links for you meaning you never need to actually view the ads of other members.

This is exactly the type of software that nearly killed the safelist industry a few years ago.  If everyone started using this software then nobody would be viewing your ads which would make posting to safelists useless.

I happy to announce that last month many of the larger safelists began fighting back by implementing “cheat protection” in their emails in the form of captcha codes that must be entered before you can earn credits.  This and some other techniques appear to be working so far.  It’s also a great a way to find out who the cheaters are so their accounts can be removed from the safelist.

This change couldn’t have come soon enough.  It’s got to be assumed that there are always going to be a small percentage of people cheating but nobody has ever been stupid enough to do it so publicly.  These new security changes should hopefully make safelists even more responsive while cutting down on the number of emails being sent by the cheaters.

Here is the list I have so far of the safelists that have added some form of cheat protection last month for their members:

Elite Safelist
Smart Safelist
Target Safelist

If you know of any others please let me know.

Update: Feb 2, 2010
Supreme List, List Building Maximizer, and Global Safelist have also added cheat protection.  Global Safelist is actually using a number matching test like you would see on a traffic exchange.  That’s awesome!

Oh, and if you one of the people who bought the cheat software from Andrew Baxter feel free to ask him for a refund.  I am sure he will be happy to assist you.  If not, I bet paypal will.

Ok, now the fun part.  Here are my safelist advertising stats from last month.  These stats come from advertising my video splash page for Safelist Marketing Tactics.

Total Clicks

Unique Clicks Action Sales CTA CTS
ViralAdStore 1,488 863 73 15 8.46% 1.74%
List Joe 1,668 1,203 69 15 5.74% 1.25%
List Auction 1,062 684 30 15 4.39% 2.19%
Got Safelist 3,801 1,539 45 9 2.92% 0.58%
Elite Safelist 1,423 750 33 6 4.40% 0.80%
FreeSafelistMailer 1,199 551 23 6 4.17% 1.09%
AdSolutionline 2,155 857 26 5 3.03% 0.58%
Global Safelist 1,521 750 27 3 3.60% 0.40%

“Clicks” is how many people viewed my splash page.  “Action” is how many people clicked the link on my splash page to go to the main site.  “Sales” is how many people joined my site.  CTA and CTS are “clicks to action” and “clicks to sale”.  I ranked these safelists by sales but it is also important to look at the other numbers to determine how responsive each safelist really is.

It seems like I received a drop in sign-ups from the big 3 list builders.  It should be noted that these sites are also sending out far fewer emails than they had been a few months ago.  It’s rare now that I am ever able to earn enough credits to send to the maximum number of members.  That means my ads are reaching less people but at least I don’t have to spend all day clicking for credits any more.

Everything else looks pretty normal though it will be interesting to see if the new cheat protection scripts will have much of an effect when I check my stats again next month.

As usual, these are my own personal stats and depending on what you are advertising your results may vary.  This information is simply intended to be a guide for trying out new safelists that you might not already be a member of.  Also, don’t forget to track your ads to find out which safelists work best for you.  You can get a professional link tracker from TEToolbox.

The Best Safelists – December Stats

Just in case you haven’t already heard… Happy New Year!

Is it really 2010?  I was just getting used to the 00’s.

2009 was a great year for me and safelists.  I guess because of the success of my ebook some people have actually started referring to me as “the safelist guy”.  I don’t think I deserve that title yet but I do have some big plans for 2010.

Let’s get to the news..

It appears AdSolutionline upgraded their surf bar.  It now features a cool graphic spinny thing.  Unfortunately my sign-ups there started to go down around the same time.  Not sure if it’s related but I just put in a support email to make sure everything is working ok.

Elite Safelist had some problems last month too.  Seems there was a hard drive crash which took the mailer down for about a week.  Luckily the problem got solved and everything there is running smoothly again.  Unfortunately, the missed week did bring down my numbers down for last month.  Here’s hoping this month puts Elite Safelist back up where it belongs.

Probably the biggest news last month was the launch of Viral Mail Profits.  This thing is really sweet as it manages all your safelist accounts from one location.  I am told they will be adding a mailer to the program very soon and I expect it to really blow up after that.  If you haven’t joined Viral Mail Profits yet, do it now!

Ok, let’s get to the stats:

Total Clicks

Unique Clicks Action Sales CTA CTS
List Joe 2,175 1,599 123 29 7.69% 1.81%
ViralAdStore 1,714 934 84 28 8.99% 3.00%
List Auction 1,059 718 66 17 9.19% 2.37%
2,151 1,061 46 11 4.34% 1.04%
Got Safelist 3,948 1,721 49 10 2.85% 0.58%
Elite Safelist 1,534 799 37 5 4.63% 0.38%
Global Safelist
1,741 868 15 5 1.73% 0.58%
AdSolutionline 2,820 1,140 44 4 3.86% 0.35%
Smart Safelist 783 373 11 4 2.95% 1.07%

“Clicks” is how many people viewed my splash page.  “Action” is how many people clicked the link on my splash page to go to the main site.  “Sales” is how many people joined my site.  CTA and CTS are “clicks to action” and “clicks to sale”.

I should probably mention that these stats came from promoting my SMT splash page.  So depending on what you are promoting, your results may vary.

Are you tracking your ads?  Don’t just rely on my numbers.  When you use a link tracker to track your ads you will always know which sites get the best results for you.  To get you own free link tracker… CLICK HERE.