The Best Safelists for October 2022

Look who’s back!

I’m sorry I have let my safelist blog posts slide over the last few months. I’m still plugging away but I allowed myself some time off to travel this summer. I’m not ashamed to admit that my daily safelist submissions took a backseat to swimming and riding roller coasters.

Now I’m back but since returning I have made some changes to how I use safelists. Namely, I am not worrying as much about these blog posts. I always figured the best way to get a fair comparison of the different mailers was to use the same ad at every site and that’s what I had been doing. Now, I just want results. I am now rotating 6 different ads for 4 different websites. Some are converting better than others but doing this I think allows me to cast a bigger net and attract more prospects. I had been wanting to try this for a while and this seemed like a good time to start. Did it work? Let’s see.

Below are the top-producing safelists of the ones I am currently using. I do have upgraded memberships at some of these safelists. I also still try to spend some time reading ads every day to help get more mailing credits.  The “Sign Ups” below reflect how many people have subscribed to my list or joined my website through one of the ads I promoted.  The sign-ups only come from email ads and do not include banners or login ads.

European Safelist – 9
State of the Art Mailer – 7
List Joe – 3
List Avail – 3
List Adventure – 3

Total September Sign-ups: 38

Not bad. Especially considering I have been spending a lot less time on mailers lately. I did notice the bulk of my sign-ups came from my newest squeeze page. I still think I received more sign-ups overall by diversifying my ads. I think for next month I will continue to do this but put more emphasis on the best-converting pages.

Don’t forget that the mailers that work best for me might not be the best for you.  It depends on what you are promoting and how you are promoting it.  You should be tracking your own ads to find out what works best for you.  For a good link tracker that works with safelists check out HitsConnect.


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