Safelist Genie Review

About a week ago I started seeing some ads for a new program that was just released called “Safelist Genie” which is supposed to help you manage all of your safelist accounts.

Having written a book on safelist marketing (“Safelist Marketing Tactics“) I thought Safelist Genie would be a good product to buy and review here on my blog.  Luckily, I didn’t need to buy anything because the program comes with a 14-day free trial which is more than enough time to see exactly what it can do.

Safelist Genie is a stand-alone software product that works with Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and Windows 7 (sorry, there’s no Mac version).  It was created by the same people who did TE Browser.

Before I continue I should probably point out that safelist marketing has been a daily part of my marketing routine for the past two years.  Having spent so much time doing it I have naturally developed my own style and method for handling the tedious task of reading credit emails and submitting my ads every day.  It’s not fun, but it works.

It was my hope that Safelist Genie would be a good enough for me to recommend to my readers who don’t already have a system of their own to hopefully make using safelists a little bit easier for them.

So I signed-up for Safelist Genie with high expectations.   I was even prepared to buy the “one time offer” but I was surprised to find that there was none.  Instead I continued with the free 14-day trial and installed the program on my computer.

I don’t know about you but I like to jump right into new programs and start pushing buttons.  I guess I like to learn from experience.  Unfortunately that just isn’t possible with Safelist Genie.

After staring blankly at each of the feature screens for a few minutes I finally came to the “Help/Guide” section which contains the user manual for Safelist Genie.  You must read the manual if you want any chance of figuring out how to setup and use this program.  And good luck getting through the manual without scratching your head in confusion more than once.

My first task was to setup my pop3 email so that the program could download my safelist emails.  I admit that I am one of the few people who still checks their emails with an offline email program.  Because of this I do have some experience with managing my pop3 email setting but I still had a hard time configuring this thing.

After several failures I finally guessed what “port” I was supposed to use by trying the one in the manual’s example.  With my pop3 settings in place I selected a few safelists to test.

The safelists page is basically a giant spreadsheet containing a list of all the supported safelists.  If you enter your username and password into the spreadsheet and click the “update” button the program will retrieve your safelist info… sorta.

As you can see in the image above the software was able to tell me the current mailing limit and even how many referrals I have but it failed to tell me how many credits I have left.  Don’t ask me what “daily use” and “credits level” are because it failed to fill anything in there too.

Checking my email for the selected safelists wasn’t too difficult once I got my email settings correct (there is no error message if they are wrong, it just does nothing).  However I also found myself confused just trying to read the emails.  Back to the manual!

As you can see in the image above (click it to make it bigger) the downloaded emails appear in the top frame.  To open an email you click it once and the email will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen.  To access the credit link click the email twice and the link will be opened in the bottom right corner of the screen.

To speed things up Safelist Genie has 6 different browser windows that you can use.  So you can double click an email to open the credit link, switch to a new reader, and open another credit link.  This saves you time because instead of waiting for the safelist timer to count down you can open up 6 credit links at once.

While this may be a huge time saver for earning credits it certainly doesn’t help the people who are using safelists to get their ads seen.  The actual email becomes virtually meaningless as it is confined to the small bottom left corner of the screen.  While the size of the window can be adjusted to show more of the email it isn’t necessary if all you are after is the credit link.

Even if you wanted to read the emails it’s almost impossible.  It seems that Safelist Genie will only displays emails in html format.  If the email was sent as a regular text email it is virtually unreadable here.

The credit url window isn’t much better.  While it can be resized to make the page more readable I suspect most people will only be seeing the very top of the pages being promoted.

It’s not all bad though.

The safelist submission tool is actually pretty cool.  Once you setup your ads you can simply select the safelist you want to submit to from a pull-down menu and push “Go”.  The submission form immediately appears with your ad already filled in.  What’s cool is that it also fills in the maximum credits to use and even sets the “Save This Message?” button to “No” (I hate always having to change that).  All you need to do is click the “submit”  button and move on to the next safelist.

It usually takes me about 15-20 minutes to submit to my 25+ safelists every day.  I’m guessing once I have this all setup Safelist Genie can probably do the job for me in about 5-10 minutes.

I am interested in hearing what safelist owners think of this submission method though.  Automatically loading the safelist submission form does save time but it also means less revenue for the safelist owners as fewer people will be logging into the site normally and bypassing any offers.

Overall thoughts?

Pretty disappointing.  While I can see the value of some of the features this program is just way too complicated for me to recommend for the casual user.  The interface is neither intuitive or user-friendly.  However, if you have the patience to figure out how everything works I can see how Safelist Genie can be a huge time saver.  I just hope giving members the ability to read emails in tiny windows doesn’t kill the effectiveness of safelist advertising in the future.

Click Here to Download Safelist Genie

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26 thoughts on “Safelist Genie Review”

  1. Thanks Jerry – saved me the time of looking at it – I figured that Viral Mail Profits does all of the managing and tracking I need so I wasn’t falling over myself to use this, but I was curious. Now that curiosity has been satisfied.

  2. Hi Jerry,

    I own and I must say your review is very good.

    As for Safelist Genie from reading your review it sounds very hard to setup, and most people who uses safelists are new and not very good with tech stuff. Some are I’m sure but not all. So I can see a lot of people running into problems and just finding it a lot easier going to their account and doing their thing.

    I don’t think it will hurt to much, but I guess only time will tell really as this is kinda new.

  3. I’m the creator and owner of SL Genie.
    Currently working on video guides that will help people get started.
    But even without videos i think it is worth reading a help guide and setup everything properly (just once) for an hour and then save 2-3 hours each day from using SL Genie.

    About the multi tab windows – is there still anybody who opens just one email at a time?!
    Is there?! Really?! I like honest people… can anybody reading the post here raise a hand and say “i’m using one window only”.

    Not to mention that people can open an email and credit link in a window 20x20px big.
    In SLGenie there are limits and the window can not be resized less than 600×780.
    About the Safelist owners – you can see one testimonial on the homepage of SLGenie.
    And i get daily requests from Safelist owners (including the most popular) to add their sutes to SLGenie.
    I think everybody can benefit from using SLGenie.

    And on the end – there is 14 days free trial… everybody can test and decide for himself if he likes it.

  4. Jerry It is pretty obvious that you never even read the help page. “guessed” what “port”. If you use gmail like anty professional safelist user uses The sample tells you what port to use. Just maybe the reason it showed no credits was because you had “no credits”.

    “once I got my email settings correct (there is no error message if they are wrong, it just does nothing).”

    What do you call the popup that says “Cannot connect to pop.gmailcom”. Hmmm I call that an error message.

    SLGenie opens in a smaller window but just like IE it can be opened to fit the screen with a click of the mouse.

    Are you one of those that just pay fro ads and credits. Must be or you would see the many advantages for any safelist user.

    “SLGenie turned a (me) SafeList Hater into a Safelist Lover”. SLGenie brings it to gether so smooth a cave man should be able to put it together and use it!!!!

    Maybe if you ask a good sponser they can help you IF you should have any questions.

    Every submission is done from the safelists site so there is no negative side of slgenie.

    You sound like you have a problem with SLGenie but yet I see you have a link to your affiliate site. Speak truthfully. Safelists work ONLY IF you work them for those that cannot buy therew way into safelists.


    Nick Anderson

  5. Hey Nick.

    Relax. My review is just my personal review for my readers. It’s not meant to be an attack.

    I do read manuals but I know most people don’t. I just think commercial software should easy enough to understand without referring to the manual for every little thing. SLGenie looks like it was created for a programmer to use and not with the end-user in mind. In my opinion it could be made a lot easier.

    I’ve tried gmail and I prefer my offline mail reader. For me, it works better than gmail.

    There is no pop-up if you don’t enter the correct port. The software also doesn’t create a shortcut when you install it. You have to go looking for it in your “Programs/Webily Project” folder. I just would have expected little things like that to be worked out before it was released.

    I’ve bought plenty of TE credits but I have never bought safelist credits. I work them every day as I have for the last 2-3 years. Today is Thanksgiving and I plan on spending at least an hour in my safelists today.

    I’m glad you are happy with SLGenie. I’m not trying to take anything away from you. There’s a 14-day trial if anybody wants to try it for themselves. All I ask is that if you are going to use the software that you actually take the time to look at one or two of the emails. I’d hate to think I wasted my Thanksgiving sending ads for nothing.

  6. Wow! I feel really smart. I have only been marketing online for about two years and have had to teach myself most of what I know but I was able to set this up without too much trouble. I just followed the instructions and when I had a question or two I emailed support and he emailed me back promptly.

    I guess I didn’t know that it was hard, therefore I didn’t make it hard. lol

    Anyway, I am probably much more stubborn than most when it comes to figuring things.

    So far I love SL Genie. It has given me that ability to send out so many more ads than I used to be able to. If I have a spare five minutes, I can blast out thousands of ads. Before, I would have had to wait until I had at least 30 minutes set aside. I even joined about 12 more safelists because now I have the time to manage more.

    I have an online web room and have helped a few referrals set theirs up and walk them through any questions, but I just thought that anything new has a learning curve so I was not surprised when it took a little effort to get going. Unless something changes, I don’t ever plan on going back to the way it was before.

    I encourage anyone who is having a hard time managing their safelists to take the 14 day free trail. Join under someone who will help you or just email support with questions.

  7. I really do like the Safe list Genie .

    If you need any help setting up SLG Nick, will be glad to help … and his videos are real good at explaining.

    Give it a try for 14 days if you dont like it let it be… it dont cost 1 dime to try it…. unlike a lot of things were you have to put up your credit card. all you do is just download it and if you dont want it after 14 days it will just go away simple as that.

    Have a good day, are night,

    Hank Earles

  8. Jerry Sorry I get so defensive when I think someone is downgrading my sweetheart.

    She is designed so that you can custom SLGenie to fit your needs. Therefore it would be really hard to have an out of box set up to everybodys needs.

    Everybody has a best method to use safelists. Most are self centered teaching so that confuse and complicate the whole system.

    I mean come on multiable accounts. Why?

    It seems that it is human nature to try and make things difficult for others. I work hard with anyone that comes in my downline to show the simplicity of SLGenie “if you just take one step at a time”.

    The biggest thing I see that most do is try and shove her and she takes the pushing ok. But not the shoving. In other words she likes to be pushed but not shoved! :-)

    She really did turn a safelist hater into a safelist lover from my point.

    Everything is right in front of you. Making it a bit complicated but if you focus at one thing at a time. She really does put it all together for you. If you let her.

    As far as the reading of the emails I do agree it seems some of the safelists are hard to read. It really seems to me that as a whole the html are easily read while the text ones on some safelists are a bit hard. I will have to confess thou when I see a website often I find myself taking the time to see what people really are saying about that site. Instead of the hype in the subject line of the site.

    Wishing all the best of luck trying to work safelists without the SLGenie!
    Nick Anderson

  9. Being a newbie to internet marketing and a user of a few hubdred differant safelists i just have to say that Safelist Genie saved my life. I admit, it takes time to set up, but the help page was very useful, even to me who knows nothing of “pop” and what it may mean lol.

    Once i had all the settings fine tuned and everything running smoothly i am hooked, i will be lost without the Safelist Genie, i just cannot imagine my life without it.

    Like anything new i believe it is simply a matter of applying the R T F N rule, when in doubt ” Read The Flipping Notes” .

  10. It’s been over a year since I have looked at Safelist Genie. You’re best bet is to try contacting support on their site. Good luck!

  11. I used to have Safelist Genie, but stopped using it, is this a new, perhaps better version? Just got it in my email. And as I cn read from the review there is no oto, uhm? I was actually kinda hoping for one, a cheap one, that would make everything 3-4-5 times better than the last version I had.

  12. Hi SnowMan. I wrote this review a year and a half ago. I can’t say how much has changed since then or if this review is still accurate. If you can post an update I am sure others would be happy to hear about it.

  13. Hi Jerry:
    Tuesday, June 12, 2012, Yokohama

    Just to say, I enjoyed your Safelist e-book and realize that you’ve been at the Safelist Game for a while now, so how about coming up with your own software product to automate Safelisting?

    I personally don’t care so much about viewing multiple ads at the same time but I find it tedious to have to login to all these different safelists and remember my different mailing days. Nice to have credits available too.
    Your the perfect guy to pull this off the right way, Jerry-san.
    BTW, almost pulled the trigger on My Safelist Biz but decided to hold off.


  14. I was looking for something to process my daily safelist e-mails and I tried SLgenie. Didn’t like it very much and tried something else which is very simple and works very well. (URL Removed)

  15. Thanks for letting me know. I will be working on preventing this software from being able to access Mister Safelist and will be banning any members caught using it. Cheat software is not allowed!

  16. Jerry,
    Thanks for the great review. Even though it is from some time ago I found it quite useful. It was refreshing to find an honest review and not just a hyped up promo for an affiliate. The response from the owner told me they believe in their product and I may give it a try and see if it has been improved.

  17. Thanks for the comment Ray. SLGenie is still around so they must be doing something right. If you decide to join please come back and share your thoughts on it.

  18. I have been using safelist genie for 9 months and I love this software..

    Sure there is some setting up which is all provided by videos now..

    I hated safelists until I found this software that organizing all aspects of marketing within safelists..

    I used it daily and see results daily.. I am very happy and will continue to use this software..

    Safelist Genie has great support if you have any questions or need any help , you really don’t find that everywhere with products you buy online.. Support is Important!

    I suggest everyone to try the 14 day trial offer.. You will not believe the time it saves you.. Make sure and not join too many safelists at a time .. Take is slow and make sure and use it .. Once you use it you will be hooked..

    It is worth every penny.. :)

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